
Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Socialism in America
1. Leaders are paving the way for a second massive economic crisis within a generation.
2. It is becoming more and more difficult for the average American to live life sustainably.
3. The party of capitalism put Donald Trump in the White House.
You don't have Capitalism without capital, and fiat currency and a usury based economy is not capitalism, so let's set the record straight there right away.  We have the stock market speculation scam.  We have crony corporatism buying politicians to screw over the people in a manner indistinguishable from Mussolini's description of fascism as a brand of socialism. We have a massive cargo cult in the form of grossly expensive higher education. We have a debased standard of living caused by our elites flooding the supply of labor, both white collar and blue collar, with Third World barbarians, and we have a generation who's grown up seeing their country and inheritance stolen from them, which leads them to think worrying too much about wonky economic ideology left over from the Boomers and the Cold War is hardly the most important thing going on in the public sphere.  I wish we had actual capitalism, and if we did, that would be a significant brake on the rise of socialism.  But even so, it's not really the cause.

But while NeverTrump moron and (((probable special person))) (although I can't find confirmation off-hand) Joel Mathis who's body of written columns at The Week is largely a collection of increasingly bitter tears over the election of Donald Trump is correct in identifying some real problems with the American economic system in his concepts 1 and 2, of course socialism isn't the answer. But then again, neither are any of his problems the real causes of socialism's rise in America.  The real causes are:
  1. The importation of tens of millions of socialists who have come to America saying, "where the white man's money at?" many of whom can now vote, or at least their equally socialist descendants can.
  2. The media, which still control the discourse in America to a great degree, and until very recently did so with a much tighter grip, are almost to a man (or woman) completely in the tank for cultural Marxism and every other type of communist secret combination that there is, and in fact are often active collaborators in spreading socialism among people who don't have an alternative voice to get their news.  Even Fox News counts here, and for that matter, so does Breitbart all too often.
  3. The same is true for the thoroughly corrupted and useless public (and most of the private) education industry in America.  Even my oldest son at BYU-I tells me about his humanitarian teacher openly preaching and propagandizing socialism, anti-white racism and anti-Western Civilization bigotry on a daily basis.
  4. Because of women's suffrage, a significant majority of women, especially single women, have not sought a husband to provide and protect them, and have instead agitated for the government to become a surrogate daddy-figure, which massively increases socialism and decreases freedom over time. (By the way, understanding how to corrupt this relationship between men and women has always been the opening act in the secret combination of socialism.  Mussolini, Hitler, Lenin and more have always agitated for women's suffrage in their respective countries because they knew that once they replaced the husband with the state-as-ersatz-husband that socialism was inevitable. There's a significant decrease in the proportion to which married with children women vote for socialist policies vs. single women or women without children, at least, but they still don't rise to the proportion to which men vote for freedom instead of socialism.)
And to counter that, we have... a generation of parents who still believe that it's not very polite to teach their kids true doctrine as it relates to social and political issues, for some reason.  If you don't believe that true doctrine stands against socialism, here's a few links for you to read.  They're long.  But you need being steeped in the doctrine of the Gospel and free agency, obviously:

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