
Saturday, February 26, 2022

Andrew Torba: Go and Build

I'm always pleased when people who are Christian, but lacking the understanding of the restored Gospel still manage to impress me with their virtue courage. I'm also sometimes embarrassed by people who do have the restored Gospel and who therefore should know better, who fail to do the same, but... eh. That's another post for another day, maybe. Or perhaps just a sad thing that's best left alone. It is one of the saddest epiphanies that I've had to realize that most people of the Church would turn their back on Captain Moroni, complain about his tone, and say that's not who we are. And Captain Moroni's message is almost identical point for point with that of Torba's; which Torba came up without the benefit of ever having heard of Captain Moroni.

Anyway, the following speech from Andrew Torba at the America First Political Action Conference should resoundingly defeat all of the ignorant or dishonest voices who say that America First as a very idea is "racist" or something (racism, as its used in our society, is 100% a hoax). It won't, but all I can do is stand for what's true, regardless of what the ignorant, willfully ignorant, or liars, in progressive order of uselessness, will say about what is true.

God is real, the Bible is True, and Jesus Christ is King of Kings.

These are the fundamental truths on which we must stand if we are going to do what must be done in order to reclaim what is rightfully ours. 

America is a Christian nation, but somewhere along the way our tolerance for evil allowed subversive agents of Satan to invade every facet of our country and culture. 

Our worldly institutions may have been conquered by secular humanists who hate God, but we worship a God who overcomes all worldly institutions. 

The good news is that public trust and faith in these institutions is waning. For the first time in one hundred years we have an opportunity to rebuild and restore our once great society. 

The people in power want a Great Reset, but what we are going to give them instead is a Great Restoration.

Buckminister Fuller once said that “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

If we are going to win—and we are going to win—we must work together towards the common goal of building parallel Christian systems that are beyond the influence and control of the existing demonic ones. 

Parallel systems can only work if they are built on the firm foundation of our faith in Jesus Christ and the Truth of God’s Word, the very same foundation that the United States of America itself was founded upon. 

The challenge before us is to build these new systems and models based on the traditional and Biblical values given to us by God. 

It’s a synthesis of new tools combined with the sturdy tradition of order.

It’s a revolt against modernity through the embrace of our rich traditions and through the wisdom of the Word of God. 

David Chilton once said that “Freedom cannot be exported to a nation that has no marketplace for the Gospel” and of course he was echoing 2 Corinthians 3:17 which tells us that “where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty.”

Our dissent against the ruling Regime must be rooted in the desire to preserve liberty and live authentically according to God’s Word. 

Dissent is impossible without the freedom of speech.

It’s the ability to say “no” in the face of evil. 

Our participation in communion with God means that we are divinely endowed with the gift of restoring order, guided by His hand, in a chaotic and broken world. 

The reason that I started Gab almost six years ago is because I saw dissenters being silenced.

American citizens are being banned from the internet, frozen by banks, blacklisted from flying on airplanes, and labeled terrorists for daring to have a political opinion that dissents from the ruling Regime’s. 

By refusing to bend to the demands of the Regime I myself became a dissenter.

My family has been doxxed, harassed, stalked, swatted, and regularly faces death threats from people all over the world. Gab has been banned from dozens of service providers including App Stores, payment processors, multiple banks, email services, and so much more. 

This is the cross I will gladly pick up and carry if it means that my children will grow up in a world where they can speak freely and worship God Almighty.

I may be a dissident in my own country, but I am a happy liberated warrior for the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. 

What we are facing is so much more than just censorship.

We are facing the total replacement of good and Holy things with filth and decay.

We can no longer overlook social issues in favor of economic ones.

We can no longer ignore the depravity and degeneracy that is perverting and destroying our minds.

We must never allow the demonization and destruction of the nuclear family and the corruption of our children to happen.

We must stare into the face of Silicon Valley, the mainstream media, and the political establishment on both sides of the isle and dare to say: “no.” 

Jesus did not command us to sit around getting crushed by Satan waiting to die. He commanded us to make disciples of all nations and we need to take dominion in His name.

His Kingdom may be in Heaven, but He Himself told us in Matthew 28:18 that He has ALL authority on Earth as well. 

It’s time to start acting like it. 

So often we are called hateful by people who hate our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, so to them I say: yes I am hateful. I hate sin. I hate evil. I hate Satan and I hate the Antichrist.

They will call our speech “hate speech” because we dare to speak the Truth of God’s Word. 

You’re a racist if you don’t hate yourself for the color of your skin. 

You’re a bigot if you don’t want men in dresses walking into the bathroom with your daughter.

You’re an antisemite if you question sending Israel American taxpayer money to build their wall, while our own border is being invaded. 

Their shame words no longer hold any power over me and they should never again hold any power over you.

Tolerance is NOT a Christian virtue.

God has zero tolerance when it comes to sin, which corrupts our bodies, hearts, and minds. We are commanded to hate that which is evil. Without hatred we can’t understand love, but we must be careful to not aim our hatred at one another. Instead we must unite and aim our hatred at the sin and evil in our own hearts. 

What is at stake is not only the future of our country, but the future of Christendom as a whole.

Christians are being demonized, dehumanized, discriminated against, demographically replaced, and disenfranchised. We are being attacked, harassed, fired, and banned from the internet and financial systems for our political and religious beliefs.

None of this is okay.

Christians should be boldly denouncing these things, but we look to our churches, our so-called Christian leaders, and even our politicians and we are met with a deafening silence–or worse a proud endorsement of this madness. 

Christians are no strangers to persecution.

We have always and will continue to overcome the advances of the Enemy.

Imagine being among the first group of Christians after Christ’s resurrection who spent forty years preaching the Gospel waiting while those practicing the Old Covenant law mocked them.  We can’t even comprehend the persecution they faced in order to defend and spread the Gospel. Many ended up giving their lives for it.

This group of Christians is the most inspiring to me because they had to have the most faith of all. In Luke 21:6 Jesus prophesied about the Temple that “not one stone would be left on another, every one of them will be thrown down.”

For forty years that didn’t happen and a generation of Christians had to patiently wait and have faith that what Christ said would come true. Then in 70 AD, it did happen, just as he said it would, and that Temple was absolutely annihilated. Almost 2,000 years later it’s still not standing despite multiple attempts throughout history to rebuild it. 1 Corinthians 3:16 tells us that WE are the Temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells within us.

This is the enormous amount of faith that we need to have today. We need to be in this for the long haul. We need to be willing, like the very first followers of Christ, to have an entire lifetime of faith.

Christians are not revolutionaries.

We are reformers. We do not destroy things, we build and create them, mirroring our Creator. God will handle the destruction of our wicked and corrupt global regime, in fact I think He’s already started.

If we are going to save our country we must adopt a mindset of seven generations thinking.

Previous generations, including my own, have lived in the moment for themselves.

We must learn from this mistake.

Short term pleasure at the expense of longterm pain for our kin is unsustainable. We must be the ones who are willing to put in the work to build a Christian future not only for our children and our children’s children, but for Christendom as a whole. Now is the time for us to build.

This is a spiritual war.

They are targeting our very humanity. This is evidenced by everything that our enemies promote.

Their “values” are inherently anti-human.

Abortion. Moral decay. Sexual degeneracy. The destruction of sovereign nations and the ethnic cleansing of people. The persecution of everything and anything related to God Almighty our Creator.

We must realize that King Jesus is not some hippie Mr. Rogers that our culture makes Him out to be. He is King of Kings. He reigns. He rules. He flips over tables in the temple. He scorns the Den of Vipers. He rebukes the Synagogue of Satan. This is the Jesus I know and worship. This is the Jesus of Scripture. This is the Jesus that will lead us out of this mess.

We must strive to be more like Him. 

All great civilizations are built on the back of strong nuclear families because strong nuclear families are God’s design. Strong men lead strong women. Strong women support strong men and they raise strong children together. This leads to strong families and strong families lead to strong nations. 

Where are our Christian men today?

Unfortunately many American Christians have adopted a secular human worldview. Instead of worshipping God, they worship idols in the form of celebrities, sports players, and even politicians. They are “Christian” in name only. 

They value material “stuff” over the fruits of the Spirit. They seek comfort and fleeting pleasure over the suffering and courage it takes to live an unapologetic and authentic Christian life. They are lukewarm Christians.

I’m here to tell you today that lukewarm Christianity is over.

Christians need to rise up and proclaim the name of Jesus Christ the King of Kings to the world.

We are the ones establishing nuclear families. We are the ones bringing up our children to know and love the Lord. We are the ones building sovereign businesses and infrastructure. We are the ones with a future worth fighting for and we are the ones who will restore order.

We are reformers, builders, and pioneers.

We need to go all in, take a leap of faith, and live fully for Christ at every moment of our lives.

We must prepare ourselves for what is coming by exiting their entire system and raising up our children to be builders for the Kingdom of God. We need to build our economy, our own technology, our own education systems and our own political movements. This requires a multi-generational effort. 

The tolerance of the generations before us has led to the subversive takeover of every facet of society and even our churches by the global elite. That does not mean that they cannot be defeated. 

I believe that God has a plan to do so, but it will take the organized and longterm commitment and effort of His people to accomplish this. We must never again tolerate evil and the spirit of the antichrist in our culture, governments, education systems, homes, churches, and most importantly our own hearts.

So if you don’t have a sword, then sell your cloak and buy one because we have a lot of work to do.

GAB: Go and Build. 

To God Be The Glory,

Andrew Torba


Jesus Christ is King of Kings

Thursday, February 24, 2022

The Ukraine and Russia

Posting some commentary by Vox Day on the issue:

Russia announces a “special military operation” intended to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine:

Russia has taken out Ukraine’s air defenses and airforce with a series of precision attacks, the country’s Defense Ministry has said in a statement, after airports and runways across the country were rocked by explosions.

Officials also claimed on Thursday morning that Ukrainian border guards are not resisting advancing Russian troops, who have moved in after President Vladimir Putin signed an order to begin a “special operation” in the Donbass. At the same time, officials denied claims made by Kiev’s defense chiefs that Russia had lost at least one military plane over the country during the offensive.

In an earlier statement, Moscow reported that it was carrying out strikes at elements of Ukraine’s military infrastructure. Russia launched the offensive against Ukraine on Thursday morning on the orders of President Vladimir Putin, who said the goal of the operation was to demilitarize and “de-Nazify” Ukraine.

The Russian leader claimed military action was necessary to stop Ukrainian attacks on the two breakaway regions of Donetsk and Lugansk, which Moscow recognized as sovereign states on Monday. He claimed Russia could come under attack by Ukrainian radicals, unless their influence in the country is diminished, and accused Western nations of arming Kiev against Russia.

The Western media, on the other hand, reports a “Ukraine in flames” and a “full-scale invasion” by Russia.

War in Ukraine begins as Putin launches full-scale invasion: Missiles rain down on Kharkiv and tanks roll across border from Belarus as ‘hundreds’ of Ukrainians die, martial law is declared and five Russian jets are shot down.

Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelenskyy has imposed martial law and defiantly urged his people to stay home after warmonger Vladimir Putin launched an invasion of Russia’s neighbour, plunging mainland Europe into its worst military crisis in decades.

In a video message published on Facebook after the Kremlin began its attacks, Zelenskyy said Moscow had carried out missile strikes on Ukrainian infrastructure and border guards, and that explosions had been heard in many cities, in the north, south and east of the country.

Later, the President cut diplomatic ties with Russia and pleaded with Western leaders to provide large-scale defence support and to protect Ukraine’s airspace from the ‘aggressor’.

Major General Valeriy Zaluzhny, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, said this morning that he had received orders from the Ukrainian President to repel Russia’s invasion by inflicting ‘maximum losses’. The Ukrainian military claim to have killed ‘50 Russian occupiers’ so far today, shooting down six Russian planes in the process.

The mere fact that the Jewish comedian at the head of the neocons’ puppet government is still in a position to impose martial law tends to indicate that the Western media narrative is false. It’s fascinating to see the difference between the way a) Russian missile strikes on Ukraine, b) Israeli missile strikes on Syria, and c) US missile strikes, well, pretty much anywhere, are reported. It’s also informative to note the restrained tone of the Russian statements in comparison with the Baghdad Bob-style statements being issued by the Ukrainians.

This doesn’t mean that Russia won’t launch a “full-scale invasion”. But a close reading of the reports does not tend to currently support the media’s “official story” and we’ll know who is telling the truth if Kiev isn’t completely occupied by Russian troops by the end of the weekend.

There is also a third narrative, as Clandestine notes that the location of the reported Russian strikes appears to be suspiciously in harmony with the location of the US bioweapon laboratories in Ukraine. But I doubt we’ll hear much about this narrative even if it is the most consistent with what’s actually happening.

Always keep in mind that the official story as reported by the media is the one thing you can be certain is not true. I’m confident it will shock the media to discover how much support Putin has across the West, especially after two years of unrestrained vaccine dictatorship on the part of the so-called liberal democracies. The media is already openly stating that “this is not just an attack on Ukraine, it is an attack on the Western liberal democracy system and the entire Free World.”

I, for one, certainly hope so. It’s long past time to end Clownworld and its unrestrained satanry.

China has already signaled its support for Putin’s protection of the Donbass republics, has blamed the situation on the USA, and is publicly encouraging everyone else to stay out of the conflict, so I very much doubt NATO forces are going to get directly involved regardless of how comprehensive the Russian operations turn out to be.

For those conflicted about "who to support" I humbly suggest, as the Lord told Joseph Smith, "none of them, for they [are] all wrong." It has long been a pattern that the Lord uses one wicked nation to scourge another, especially if the second wicked nation is one that should have known better. Just because Putin isn't a good guy by any means doesn't mean that the leaders of the "free" world are either; they are incredibly wicked members of secret combinations who had much more light, knowledge, and blessings than the beleaguered Russian people have had the last several generations, therefore they are fallen from a much higher height than Putin ever did. Furthermore, Putin is no Imperialist. He's not trying to expand his influence into "our" territory and at "our" expense. He mostly just wants us to leave him alone. 

Like Vox Day, I see our own "leadership" as a runaway force for wickedness. If Russia or China did want to actually conquer and occupy us, I could hardly say that such wasn't justified at this point in the eyes of those nations and in the eyes of the Lord, nor can I suggest that it's likely to be worse for us than it is now. If either the Chinese or the Russians saw the Americans as second-class citizens in a Vichy occupied country, how is that any different than it already is, where Americans are second-class citizens to Jewish overlordship and the false claims of every covetous, entitled minority who comes along?

I often hear patriotic people praying in Church for the Lord to bless our leaders with wisdom, but it is clear that our entire leadership caste is not only lacking in wisdom and righteousness, but has actively and definitively rejected them. I pray, rather (although not in Church, because I don't pray to make a political statement and the majority of those at Church still have not yet opened their eyes to their awful situation) that we can be led to preserve or restore the freedoms of the righteous among us, and that we can be delivered from the oppression of the wicked who rule over us currently.

Here's a good history to establish some context in what is going on. The narrative that emerges is pretty pro-Russia and anti-West. But not because of bias, but because that's how the events play out. The West is not the good guy in this narrative. The Russians kind of are. Whether or not that means that the Russians are the "good guys" more generally is unaddressed by whether or not they are in this situation. But the key takeaway is that if you are not familiar with what has happened in the Ukraine over the last several years, and only know what you hear on CNN, or even Fox News, then you have no understanding of what's actually happening in the Ukraine today or why.