
Monday, June 27, 2022

Morality is the key

I quote the Z-man a lot, and I like much of what he says as well as how he says it. I do, however, disagree with him on many things too. Here's some of his analysis on the recent Supreme Court victories against the Lunatic Left. Truncated and edited for a handful of spelling errors.

In war, men will die for their cause. They will not die for a paycheck or the promise of war booty after the battle. They will die for a cause because they are motivated by a sense of righteousness in the cause. When an army believes it is fighting for what is right, it is willing to do whatever is necessary to win. An army fighting with a bayonet at its back or because it is paid to fight is risk averse. It will do only that which is advantageous to it because that is what reason dictates.

It is important to note that the only two issues the Right has had any success in America are guns and abortion. The gun people had the advantage of the second amendment but they never relied upon it. Only a few gun cases have made it to the courts and they have only nibbled around the issue. Instead, the gun people launched a crusade against the gun grabbers in every state and locality. Their task has always been to anathematize gun grabbing and the gun grabbers.

The lesson here for those engaging in politics is that like war, politics is about morality, not facts and reason. The soldier fights for his love of country, often expressed as love of his brothers in arms. He fights for a cause bigger than himself. In politics, the winners are those who frame the issue in moral terms, seizing the moral high ground and demanding opponents justify their actions in the face of morality. The losers are those who settle for facts and reason.

This is why the American Left has won every battle against the so-called conservatives over the last century. The Left makes moral claims while the co-called conservatives force opposition into rational claims. The exception has been the two issues where professional conservatism has had little role, abortion and guns. It is important to note that professional conservatism has opposed the NRA over the years and they opposed Trump, who promised to fill the court with pro-life judges.

It is why conservatives oppose the term “antiwhite.” They know that this is a morally charged term that offers no opportunity for them to negotiate away the interests of the people they claim to represent. It makes a clear moral distinction between us and them, which is the enemy of the sorts of people working in conservatism. The same is true of the word “groomer” which is not only factually accurate, but it also lays bare the moral implications of the sexual revolution.

In the end, the lesson of the abortion movement for dissidents is that the way to defeat the moral framework of the Left is with an alternative moral framework. You cannot defeat moral arguments with facts and reason. People will sacrifice for a just cause, but not for a logical explanation. It turns out that Ben Shapiro’s line about facts not caring about your feelings is just another trick to prevent a moral people from standing on their morals to oppose the moral framework of the Left.

Personally, I think that Ben Shapiro's line works just fine as long as you don't try to misuse it. Facts don't care about your feelings, and the insane trans sexual movement is a perfect example of facts standing in stark contrast to the fevered, hysterical imaginations and feelings of crazy people. But the Z-man likes to take swipes at Ben Shapiro gratuitously, even if he kind of oversteps sometimes. I can't really blame him.

Conservative Inc. is also struggling with this one. Their whole model is based on losing gracefully, so they are unprepared for an actual victory. Crisis counselors have been called to American Enterprise and Heritage to help the staff cope with something they were told could never happen. For professional conservatives, Dobbs is like seeing Bigfoot riding a unicorn. They are questioning their sanity.

What makes this even more difficult for Conservative Inc. is the fact that Dobbs was made possible by their archnemesis, Donald Trump. In his debate with Hillary Clinton, Trump made clear that abortion would be a litmus test issue for him when it came time to select judges for the court. His matter-of-fact explanation for how he would roll back Roe was mocked at the time, but it turned out to be correct.

Ben Shapiro attacked Trump and Trump supporters for thinking that it was possible to stack the court with judges who would follow through on their claims. Shapiro was sure that Trump was not only lying, but too stupid to understand how the court worked and how the nomination process worked. He also claimed that Trump lacked the stones to stand up to the left when it came to judges.

Unsurprisingly, Shapiro was wrong on all counts.

Of course, this should inform the ongoing debate about the future of conservatism that is happening in various quarters. Although they probably do not see it, the Dobbs decision cuts the legs out from under the New Right just as it does Conservative Inc. Both sides of this debate claim that how things are done is what matters. In reality, it is who, not how. Who decides is what matters in the law and in social policy. If a society has the right people in charge, people with a natural attachment to society, they will make decisions in the public interest.

This is why the most unhinged opposition to Trump came from the neocons. They have always been the brains of Conservative Inc., and they correctly saw what the Trump phenomenon represented to them. Trump was not running to promote a process but on the promise that he and he alone could make the required changes. His campaign was an explicit appeal to the who rather than the how.

The real impact of Dobbs is in reminding the white remnant that what matters is who decides, not how they decide. For generations they have been told by their betters that process is their greatest virtue. It took a billionaire bumpkin from beyond the pale to prove that process is a tool. In the hands of good men, it results in good ends. In the hands of alien rulers, the best process leads to bad ends.

As John Adams, of Founding Fathers fame, once said: "We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge or gallantry would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other." That should be a powerful lesson to those on the Right who overly worship the Constitution. I do believe that the Constitution was raised up, inspired by, and supported by Divine Providence, as the Book of Mormon strongly suggests, but it is insufficient to work as a bulwark against the loss of morality of our society.  Which, I believe, is another way of saying the same thing.

There's an interesting article in the September 1977 Ensign or Liahona as it's now called, which discusses the chief judges of the Nephites. Let me quote a portion of that article. 

The Nephite republic lasted only 120 years. The history of its life and death is an inspired guide to judging the progress of our own civilization. Understanding why it lived and why it died is imperative if we today are to retain our own freedom. It lived because four dedicated missionaries were willing to sacrifice fourteen years of their lives and their right to royalty to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to their bitterest enemies. It died through temporal greed and the loss of brotherly love and concern. It lived because a wise monarch envisioned the sacred foundations of proper government and wrote an inspired charter of liberty for his nation. It died through the accumulated unrighteousness of internal secret combinations and monarchial conspiracies, drained by the wounds of its own political divisiveness. It lived because men such as Helaman and Lachoneus were so committed to principles of the law and the gospel that they served their fellowmen at great risk and personal danger. It died through those who, rather than face social ostracism and threatened violence, chose the false security of subservience by giving up the proper procedures and practices of this government.

It lived because men such as Nephihah and Pahoran were resolute in their defense of freedom under law, and remained humble in the possession of great governmental power. It died in official arrogance and political tyranny. It lived because of Alma and Nephi, “men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do” (1 Chr. 12:32), and who were actively in but “not of the world” (John 17:14). It died when good men did too little, when a confused and troubled nation failed to turn to the light of the gospel and chose instead to walk in the darkness of its own worldly learning and criminal conceit.

There is a critical time in the lives of men and nations when they must make an ultimate decision: to exercise their free agency righteously, or set in motion a spiraling sequence of spiritual suicide. For 120 years under the Nephite judges, national allegiance wavered between the bright hope of prophetic progress and the stagnation of compounded apostasy. In the end, the Nephites chose the “other gospel” (Gal. 1:8) and reaped the judgments Mosiah had prophesied.

And what of the judges? They went down with the ship of state, but they never stopped bailing. When the tides of national adversity were running the highest, they met them head on, “idealists without illusions” who counted the costs and were content with the contest. The lesson is clear. The choice is ours.

The lesson of both the Ensign article and the Z-man post is the same; it matters who is at the reigns of government. Donald Trump may not have been a Captain Moroni or even a Pahoran, but if we use Christ's own admonition that by their fruits we may know them, Trump was the greatest President the US has had since Calvin Coolidge, and the impact of his Presidency was starkly manifest in the last week with Supreme Court decisions on the Second Amendment and abortion. Righteous leaders and righteous, moral people are much more important than a process document such as the Constitution, which was good in the sense that it tried to limit the ability of the unrighteous to hijack the reigns of government. But, as we saw during the Nephite times, and as we've seen in our own age, when morality is lost or significantly diluted, when our leaders are corrupted and wicked, the Constitution is not sufficient to save us. 

“Wherefore, this land is consecrated unto him whom he shall bring. And if it so be that they shall serve him according to the commandments which he hath given, it shall be a land of liberty unto them; wherefore, they shall never be brought down into captivity; if so, it shall be because of iniquity; for if iniquity shall abound cursed shall be the land for their sakes, but unto the righteous it shall be blessed forever.” (2 Nephi 1:7)

“And now, we can behold the decrees of God concerning this land, that it is a land of promise; and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall serve God, or they shall be swept off when the fulness of his wrath shall come upon them. And the fulness of his wrath cometh upon them when they are ripened in iniquity. for behold, this is a land which is choice above all other lands; wherefore he that doth possess it shall serve God or shall be swept off; for it is the everlasting decree of God. And it is not until the fulness of iniquity among the children of the land, that they are swept off. And this cometh unto you, O ye Gentiles, that ye may know the decrees of God—that ye may repent, and not continue in your iniquities until the fulness come, that ye may not bring down the fulness of the wrath of God upon you as the inhabitants of the land have hitherto done. Behold, this is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ, who hath been manifested by the things which we have written.” (Ether 2:9-12).

Wednesday, June 15, 2022


A post from the Z-man, with annotations.

A cause that has any hope of surviving past the novelty phase will demand from its followers a sacrifice to show commitment. Criminal organizations are the simplest and easiest examples of this phenomenon. A street gang will require all of the members to get a tattoo, for example, to show their commitment. More mature criminal organizations will require new members to commit crimes in front of other members to prove their willingness to sacrifice for the gang.

In more sophisticated movements, the adherents will perform rituals or make symbolic sacrifices to show their commitment to the cause. It has not been unusual for cultural movements to adopt a style of dress. The macaroni style, for example, was an extreme expression of commitment to a cultural and social class. In this age, the sexual subcultures often embrace clothing styles like the “lesbian kit” to set themselves apart and show commitment to the subculture.

Whether it is getting the gang symbols tattooed on your face, wearing an unofficial uniform or committing yourself to a way of life, every cause requires something from the members as a payment. This sacrifice is not only a signal to the other members, showing their shared commitment to the cause, it is also a form of advertising to potential members of the cause. More important, it adds a sense of value to membership in the cause. The members feel committed.

The people displaying their pronouns in their e-mail signature and social media profile are signaling their commitment by sacrificing some portion of their dignity. There is a noticeable discomfort in these people then they say “I go by they/them” because they know what they are doing is foolish. It is as ridiculous as wearing a flowerpot on their head, but that is the point of the ritual. They are making a fool of themselves in public as a way to show their commitment to this cause.

The same thing is at play when white people take to the stage and begin hectoring their fellow white people about racism. It is patently absurd for a white person to stand up and condemn their ancestors for being white or for the crime of having created a culture that is now called white supremacy. Some of what drives this is mental illness, for sure, and some is the “my fellow white people” act. Much of it, however, is the need for the adherent to show their faith by committing an act of lunacy.

For example, look at this post from a gym teacher about the racists power structures at the local swimming hole. His profile makes clear that he is a fully enculturated bug man, but as a white male, he is at the bottom of the woke subculture. His post about how the man is conspiring to keep black people from swimming is a sacrifice of whatever dignity he retains as a man. The point is not to change minds, but to show others in the subculture that he is fully committed to the cause.

A key part of the cult ritual is the irrationality of it. The systemic racism claims are just modern magic. There is no rational or empirical argument behind these claims, but that is what makes them appealing. You just have to accept them on faith. That is the sole appeal of the trans business. One has to strip themselves of all sense of self in order to claim that humans are assigned sex at birth. The ridiculousness of the claim does not allow for even a shred of dignity.

This is why we are being flooded with a wave of public testimonies about how the trans community is ignored in some way. In this post, we learn that the guitar makers have ignored transgenders and women. The fact that the sex of the performer has no bearing on the instrument or that there is no such thing as transgender is central to the sense of sacrifice the writer feels when posting this. In another age, he would have been writing about elves and sprites with the same conviction.

Part of this self-degrading ritual within the identity subculture is the attention these humiliation rituals gain the adherent. It is why we have gone from publicly tolerating homosexuals to take your child to a drag show events. Each step has been more bizarre and degrading than the next. Post-Marx culturalism has been a weird race to the sea that has finally led to mothers offering up their children to predators. The believers seek the ultimate sacrifice they can make to the cause.

How much the shot callers on what we now call the Left understand the forces they are manipulating is hard to know. It is not particularly clear that the trend setters in this cult understand the intellectual history behind their movement. They have simply embraced the primary modes of thought and let nature take its course. Robin DiAngelo could simply be a fame seeking huckster who landed on the right cause at the right time to make money from a movement desperate for a purpose.

Despite this cult’s efforts to tart up their thing with jargon from the sciences, what drives it is a need to vanish into a cause. The appeal to the adherent is the need to sluff off the identity of the adherent and take on the identity of the group. Self-loathing has always been at the heart of mass movements. Christianity explicitly embraced this reality with the concept of sin. To be a Christian is to not only accept the teachings of the particular sect, but to accept and embrace your sinfulness.

I like the Z-man, and think he says a lot of things that need to be said in a very articulate yet almost folksy way that resonates. But this right here is monumentally stupid, and is that stereotypical moving the needle across the vinyl jerk-stop moment. It feels like a monumentally cheap, opportunistic dig thrown in for no good reason, that turns out with even a quick glance to have been a facile and inaccurate one to boot. Christianity doesn't encourage self-loathing, it tells you that you are literal Sons and Daughters of God, the apple of his eye, and destined to become like him if you can purge yourself of all of the natural man tendencies, through the Atonement of Christ and our own striving to repent and be better, that keep you separate from him. There's no higher form of esteem-building, self-affirming doctrine anywhere else in the world than in Christianity. Especially because it does so without narcissistically lying to yourself about how good you are without putting any effort into being so. It doesn't build fragile arrogance, it builds honest self-esteem, because it also focuses you on the things that you need to be doing better, and encourages you to do so. There's nothing that counters self-loathing more than self-improvement.

Not that I didn't know this, but he hangs out in different online communities, if you will, then I do, but my oldest son also commented on this phenomena. The so-called "dissident right" who have eschewed the mainstream "right" because it's obviously insane and stupid, have become bifurcated into two camps; one of which is almost militantly, authoritarian Christian, and one of which is bitterly anti-Christian. I can kind of understand the appeal of both sides, but both are also dead wrong. The former will have no room for the true Church of Jesus Christ, because it will be too militant in trying to force the dogma of man down the throats of everyone and anyone, and won't tolerate any dissent from its dogma. This is nothing like the conflict between Christians and kingmen in the Book of Mormon, because mainstream Christianity in the background of American Heritage isn't correct Christianity; it's Christianity that resembles it in many ways, but was always corrupted. Meanwhile, the anti-Christians I can get, because seeing the damage done by corrupted Christian churches to America and the West overall is not at all difficult, but the corruption of already incorrect Christianity hardly means throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Western Civilization requires three founding legs: 1) Christianity, 2) the Classical Greco-Roman tradition, and 3) the Germanic peoples of Northern Europe and their cultural and Hajnal Line genetic heritage. Take away any of these three legs, and you don't get Western Civilization. You might get something that's relatively nice: the Nephites seem to have had a nice civilization (at times) with only Christianity, for example, of those three (although they had better and more pure Christianity than that on which Western Civilization was built), but it won't be Western Civilization. Frankly, I have no interest in anything that attempts to subvert any of the pillars of Western Civilization, even if they're claiming to try and save Western Civilization. No, that's not how that works. 

And these right wing pagans are have missed the mark so far that you can't even put them on the same map anymore. I honestly have no idea what that's all about other than swallowing yourself up in an identity because of self-loathing. And I kind of understand that, I suppose. But a pre-Christian, pre-Western Civilization benchmark, that lacks legs 1 and 2 of Western Civilization isn't even something that these weirdos would want to belong to, I don't think. They just haven't the wit to understand how formative the other two legs are to the environment in which they live.

In any case, while I like the Z-man and highly recommend reading him on a regular basis, he does have two massive blind spots, and his rejection of and passive-aggressive digs at Christianity is his biggest and most important failing that you need to recognize before starting. Go in with your eyes wide-opened. Even though he's both a good and important read, nobody is perfect, and even with him, caveat emptor.

These modern identity cults are less sophisticated, feeding on a population desperate for immediate gratification and lacking the intellectual capacity for high culture organizational structures like mainstream Christianity. This is why the rituals are so primitive and crude. The barrier for entry is low, so the people flooding into this scene tend to reflect that standard. It is also no surprise that they have arrived at the cusp of child sacrifice. Spilling innocent blood appeals to the savage mind.

Counterintuitively, these spasms of ritualized self-degradation may be a positive sign that the culture is finally ready to free itself. For generations, American culture has been locked into cultural norms so ingrained in the land that the present culture has not been able to evolve to fit the times. The energy of each generation is channeled into civic nationalism, which is throwing seeds among the stones. American culture has been a zombie shuffling along with no real purpose.

Oswald Spengler used the term pseudomorphosis to describe “an older alien Culture lies so massively over the land that a young Culture, born in this land, cannot get its breath and fails not only to achieve pure and specific expression-forms, but even to develop fully its own self-consciousness.” This is most obvious in the obsession with the Founders you see on the Right. All of the energy of youth for building something new is channeled into ideas from men who wore powdered wigs.

And almost on queue, he brings up the second massive blind spot that he has; his contempt for the Founding Fathers and the fact that most on the Right still recognize that they were on the right track about almost everything. Sure, there were cracks in the founding documents that have been exploited to put us in a precarious situation. But mostly, if the intent of the Founding Fathers were following more strictly, we'd fix most of our problems almost immediately even today. The problem is isn't the Constitution or the Founding Fathers, it's the lies that have been told since then that have become so ingrained in our psyche that we have them as base-line assumptions rather than things that can and ought to be challenged. The Founding Fathers, for instance, recognized that universal suffrage would be a disaster, yet even Constitutional originalists now accept the false-hood that universal suffrage is as American as it gets. 

Of course the only people who should have a say in the way a community works, i.e., its government, are going to be members of the community, for instance. This is very obvious, and yet we reject this and rush to give foreigners voting rights long before they establish themselves as actual members of the community who have its best collective interest at heart. The concept of skin in the game is not a new one, and yet we generally reject that as an icon of "racism" or "sexism" on the part of the Founding Fathers. It was nothing of the kind; it was an absolutely necessary precaution to avoid us getting to exactly where we are now. Of course people who's living comes from the government in any way have a conflict of interest and should be recused from voting. And the most difficult to accept, because it requires doing some research into understanding reality that most people have no knowledge of, and it requires undoing tons of emotional brainwashing, of course women have no business worrying about political issues, and their involvement in them has been a disaster from the get-go. One vote, per head of household, for households that do not 1) work for the government, 2) work for privatized government contractors, or 3) get paid by the government via any form of welfare, all three of which should be excluded from being able to vote. And foreigners, even those living among us, are not natural born citizens, and shouldn't have citizenship or voting rights. They are welcome guests (well, assuming that their rationale for being here passes muster and isn't fraudulent in some way) but guests do not tell the host how to run his household.

All of that digression is to show that the Z-man is wrong, again, although for this post, only in an off-hand passive-aggressive dig. There's nothing wrong with the Founding Fathers, what's wrong is those who have built on the Founding Fathers by subtraction, and assuming incorrectly that the Founding Fathers were sufficiently flawed that their vision needs to be reworked in light of progressive lies that even most conservatives believe nowadays.

What left-wing identity politics is signaling is the old culture finally losing its grip on the present, which is why these maladapted mutants can easily organize in public and attack the symbols of the old culture. The subculture is not a replacement for the old culture or a genuine culture in itself. Instead, it is a cancer on the old culture, slowly eating away at its organs. Coinciding with it is the swelling hatred by the young culture ready to break free from the old body.

There is the other part of Spengler’s concept. At some point, after enough pseudomorphs have been created, the next flowering of cultural energy is fueled by a hatred for the old forms. In the present age, it is those asking how useful is that old civic nationalism rooted on the culture of the Founders when it has led to suburban mothers sacrificing their children to groomers? Perhaps it is now time to shed the old forms and think about creating a new model appropriate to this age.

Again; the old culture is losing its grip on the present because the old culture isn't the old culture. It's a caricature, worn by the very people who killed the old culture as a skin-suit. The old culture is literally a wolf in sheep's clothing. But the true old culture, the sheep that was killed for the wolf to wear, was fine.

Then again, as James Madison himself said, the Constitution is wholly inadequate for governing any other than a righteous people. Perhaps there is no going back to it until there's a Great Repentance. Which, according to my reading of prophecies of the Last Days, won't happen. What's more likely is that something will be built on the ashes of the old, but not until most of the old has been swept away in an orgy of fire and bloodshed. We're just too wicked as a people now to handle righteous government. Which, he also says in his conclusion.

Of course, everything comes to an end. The current spasms of degeneracy could simply be the death throws of a dying West. What comes next may not be a new West, but a return to the barbarism that has been the standard for humanity. What gets left behind is a reminder that a people once thrived and reached for the heavens. Like all prior civilizations, this one will end in rubble. What will remain is the high achievements along with the mystery as to why it failed.

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Waging war on Americans

I've taken this post from Karl Denninger's blog, and edited for the bad words, mostly, but a few other brevity-related edits. Also, I don't like his 1993 html-looking formatting, so I've presented it in a more traditional look. The most important part, I have italicized below.

There are several ways to wage war on a people.  We have a current year example of overt war between Russia and Ukraine.  There was the Bolshevik revolution which eventually led to mass starvation.  There was the Cold War between Russia in America where an entire generation of kids learned to protect themselves against nuclear attack by hiding under a desk. 

There’s another long term and diffuse war happening on American soil now.  As I stated [in another post], Satan owns the world.  He loses eventually, but we know neither the day nor the hour that will come to pass.  Satan has been alive a very long time and hates humanity.  His pawns wreak destruction until they are discarded, yet the damage they do is not interred with their bones.

The past 2+ years have been an example of evil's influence increasing.  Or more accurately, the past two years have made evil obvious to more people. 

This war goes by several names. Vox Day refers to it as the war against the good, the beautiful and true. I call it the War on America, but we are not the only country targeted.  Widespread clown world is proof of that.  

The purebloods lost the Coof War decisively.  The War on America accelerated because of that defeat.  Many of us are demoralized which makes victory harder this time. There are fewer soldiers available, the stakes are higher, and it involves the rest of the world. I don't know if it can be won without a legitimate leader arising.  If one doesn’t, there could be civil unrest in the United States that makes previous summers’ riot seasons look like vacations.

Satanic minions are sabotaging America from within.  We know who they are, no need to belabor that point here.  Instead, I want to provide a roadmap for the next battlefield: Manufactured Crisis 2022 – 2023.  My goal is not to be right.  It is to provide tools so you know what to watch for and prepare yourselves as best you can.

The War on America’s battle plan has three milestones:

  • Negate America’s purchasing power
  • Remove things they can buy
  • Eliminate Americans themselves.  This is also a victory condition.

How can such a nasty, complicated operation be broken down into three goals?

We are all broke now

Purchasing power eroded steadily over time and accelerated these past two years.  Rent, groceries, and fuel are all pounding people’s wallets. As long as diesel remains high, so will every good in America.

The Russian sanctions are exacerbating the situation.  Every other foreign company sees that and will demand payment in their local currency.  All those US dollars sequestered overseas will flow back into the American money supply, deflating our purchasing power more.

Milestone number one is accomplished.  If an individual hasn’t experienced yet, it’s only a matter of time.

You can’t 3D print baby formula

Food, water, and shelter are essential to human life. Housing costs were already covered.  Milestone two’s tactics removes food and water.

Supply chain issues are the mere tip of the iceberg.  There are several potential shortages in the works.  Some of them are incidental to geopolitical events, and some are deliberate acts of war by our own government. Some of our current problems are partially, but not completely, by design.

Farming difficulties are an example of an incidental side effect.  Crops are not being planted this year.   Every few years, the weather is bad enough to produce lower yields.  Lower, but nowhere near a true shortage.  This year combines a cold dry spring and clown world.  Harvests will be down.

Two fertilizer ingredients are more expensive this year. The Russia/Ukraine conflict stopped the trade of potash and natural gas’s price increased.  Smaller farms aren’t planting or using less fertilizer.  Cereal grains will be pricier this fall and America will export less to Africa and Central America.  

Is claiming food shortages are due to sabotage tin or a spoiler alert?  Time will tell.  For what it’s worth, I hope this stays post-apocalyptic fiction fodder instead of headline news.

What happened recently that points to sabotage?  Here is a list of tactics from recent headlines to accomplish milestone two:

  • Food factories and warehouses fires
  • Abbott baby formula factory closed for months
  • Bird flu
  • A widespread recall on a cheap, nutritious source of calories (Smuckers peanut butter)
  • Exporting diesel to Europe
  • Denying drilling leases
  • Releasing our strategic petroleum reserve and not replacing it

The bird flu could be an act of nature, or the government could be lying about the whole thing.  Everything else was helped along by government meddling.  All were designed to disrupt enemy supply lines. In this case, we are the enemy!

What further tactics would deprive Americans of goods we currently take for granted? What is the simplest action that will have the broadest negative effects?

All the previous foods follow a pattern: they affect WIC.  This could be a coincidence.  Or it could be deliberate because there’s nothing evil hates more than children, the ultimate acts of human creation.  Satan demands child sacrifice.

WIC eligible foods are “infant cereal, iron-fortified adult cereal, vitamin C-rich fruit or vegetable juice, eggs, milk, cheese, peanut butter, dried and canned beans/peas, and canned fish. Soy-based beverages, tofu, fruits and vegetables, baby foods, whole-wheat bread, and other whole-grain options were recently added to better meet the nutritional needs of WIC participants…For women who do not fully breastfeed, WIC provides iron-fortified infant formula.”

This is where the tin comes in:  the WIC foods could be specifically targeted.  More likely, their shortages will be incidental to clown world.  Expect more food disruptions in the future. Starvation is a tried and true method of mass killings.  

One future tactic to watch for is exporting enough food to the Third World to ensure we are hungry. 

How can some malicious retard bureaucrat make things worse?  What is the worst regulation they could pass?

I mentioned water earlier.  How secure is your supply of fresh, potable water?  If the treatment plant can’t get chemicals or replacement parts, where will you get safe water?

The questions and your answers are not meant to fill you with dread.  They are meant to give you hope. If you came up with a doomsday scenario, dial it back until you reach something manageable.  Concentrating on an improbable worst-case will only stress you out and waste mental energy.   If you see what is coming, you can mitigate the results. Prioritize your actions based on what will have the greatest impact for the least money.  Some examples are canned food, bottled water, and a Sawyer filter, but make your own list.

No country for Americans

If you were born in America and are over 35, this is not the country you grew up in.  You might as well moved overseas.  Many words have been spent discussing our open borders policy for welfare trash, critical race theory, and other demoralizing public humiliation rituals.  These all contribute to alienating Americans.

But something even more poignant is the real reason we have no country.  We’ve stopped having babies.  Only Americans can create other Americans.  In fact, the justification for paying wetbacks to pump out six anchor babies is declining American birthrates.

Right now there are no incentives for useful citizens to have babies because they believe in paying their own way through life. Medical costs are prohibitive.  Women who want to stay home with their kids often have to choose between living in the ghetto and working.  This is not true in every locale yet, but swaths of America are too expensive for one worker to support a family.

A lot of young people don’t want their kid born into financial slavery and that’s if they can find someone to have one with.  The under 35 dating pool is atrocious, filled with land whales and soy boys.  Some purebloods only want another pureblood.  

I can’t argue with any of that. Things were bad before, the past two and a half years made them worse.  And we haven’t even gotten into fertility problems caused by the vax.  Even young people who want to have kids aren’t able to.  This is a demographic disaster and it’s been building for a long time.

Americans expect certain things to “just work.”  We have the work ethic and the knowledge to make it so.  Third World scountries do not, hence the moniker.  If you look at primary school demographics, America is already the Third World, we are currently coasting on civilization fumes.  As people retire or check out of the workforce, less qualified and stupider people will replace them.  Eventually, all the people who make things “just work” won’t exist.

This should scare the ever loving crud out of you, and the only people that can fix it are the same bunch we’ve saddled with massive student loan debt and impossible to afford housing.  For that, we all deserve the catastrophe that’s coming over the next decades.  Not only do these kids need jobs, they need a stable society that encourages family formation.  Large family formation.

I don’t like writing about or acknowledging American demographics, but it is dishonest to ignore the 900 pound elephant in the room.  

Which brings us back to what can we do about aspects we can directly control?  As individuals, protect ourselves and our families by making reasonable preparations for the future. 

Let them all starve

The current food shortages are political problems.  They were not caused by natural disasters, but human stupidity and evil.  Without a leader arising, America will let them all starve.  

To protect our families we must determine future tactics of the enemy so we can prepare and defeat them. Ask and answer the questions above to create your battle plan. Good luck, and good hunting.