
Wednesday, March 21, 2018

A round-up of a few linked articles (and my comments) from my recent Facebook feed...

Drop into a political gathering almost anywhere in America, and you can usually name the party just by looking: Democrats increasingly reflect the racially mixed demographics of the nation’s cities; Republicans remain overwhelmingly white, older and more rural. 
That hasn’t always been true — a generation ago, the voters supporting the two parties were far more alike. 
Now, a new, large-scale study has documented how much the mix of voters who support each of the two parties has changed. The conclusion: The two party coalitions are now more different than at any point in the past generation. 
The Democrats have changed the most, as the mix of voters who support them has grown less white, less religious, more college-educated, younger and more liberal over the past decade, according to the study by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center. 
Republican voters, by contrast, more closely reflect the demographics of an earlier, mostly white, Christian America. In one regard, the party’s voters have actually stepped slightly back in time — Republicans are less likely today than a decade ago to be college graduates, Pew found. That’s a striking fact in a country that has steadily grown more college-educated. 
“Republicans have not changed as the country has changed,” said Carroll Doherty, Pew’s director of political research.
A sad reality that many refuse to confront, because it might make them feel bad, or challenge their self-image as tolerant, whatevers. As VD says about this study: "Nothing has changed except a) the source nations, and b) the numbers. Previous generations of immigrants all voted Democrat too and continue to do so today. Irish, Italians, Jews, they all voted for more government handouts and in the interests of their own people at the expense of the native stock. Now the Chinese, Mexicans, Vietnamese, and Somalis are doing the same thing, it's just that there are more of them, they look more obviously different, and their values and traditions are even more opposed to American values and traditions.

"Meanwhile, except for the growing number of single white women who need government support because they can't provide for themselves and their illegitimate children [and I'll add as editor; because they remain single and psychologically are in need of a ersatz daddy or husband figure in their life, which the government provides], white people are increasingly gravitating to a single party in order to defend what remains of their interests.

"So, what Pew is observing is nothing less than the large-scale transformation of white people from ideology-based politics to identity-based politics in a single generation. As I predicted several years ago, the two major parties will be the White Party and the Not-White Party, regardless of what they are officially called in order to maintain the pretense of a single nation."

And as many have pointed out for many years, the whole immigration boondoggle, starting with the Hart-Cellar immigration act of 1965, the amnesty drive during the 80s, and most especially the race to replace Americans in more recent years via encouraging illegal immigration, chain migration, bizarro-Fake Refugee status, and H-1B visas, was nothing more than an attempt by big government mandarins to elect themselves a new Third World people who are more tolerant of their graft, theft, and desire for tyrannical control than the American people ever were. Even the post Ellis Island American people, to the extent that one can still talk about them as a single people after that monumental shift.
The first time I did any serious reading of the Roman Empire, the thought that was always with me was why they never thought to downsize. The cost of conquering Gaul was relatively low, so it made sense to do it, but the cost of hanging onto it never seemed to make sense. The same was even more obvious with Britania. By the third century, it should have been obvious, at least from our perspective, that the Empire needed to be downsized and re-organized. Yet, that was never a part of the logic of the Empire.  Of course, we look at these things in hindsight and from a modern perspective. It seems silly to care about the local religious practices, but important people did care about these things and still do. Still, when I read about the rise and fall of empires, I end up thinking through the alternatives, wondering why they were never considered. 
The answer is probably the simplest one. People, even the shrewdest rulers, live and plan within their allotted time on earth. Even the Chinese, who take the very long view of things, act in the moment most of the time. People can think about how their actions will impact their descendants a century from now, but it will never have the same emotional tug as how their contemporaries think of them in the moment. That’s just human nature. Most men will trade the applause of today for being remembered long after he is dead.
That’s probably what we are seeing with the current struggles of Western elites to keep this house of cards together. The “liberal international order” is the perfection of a solution to problems of the long gone past. From the French Revolution through the Cold War, the great challenge in the West was over borders, economics and conflict resolution. After a long bloody series of experiments, the West finally figured out something that worked to keep the peace, maximize material wealth and settle disputes in an orderly fashion.
The trouble is, the current arrangements are not answering the questions of this age. In fact, they appear to be exacerbating the problems that face the West. Angela Merkel’s decision to invite in a million Muslim warriors made her the hero of her contemporaries, but it guaranteed that generations of Germans will be engaged in a long twilight struggle to save themselves and their people from the terror of contemporary Islam. A generation from now Merkel will be remembered in the same way people remember Chamberlain. 
Of course, when we talk of the West we are really talking about the American Empire that arose following World War II. Washington has its tentacles in every nook and cranny of the world. The United States has active duty military troops stationed in nearly 150 countries. The cost of this is close to a trillion per year, not counting the unknown sums that are not in the budget. If the American ruling class decides it is time to downsize the empire, then the liberal international order is finished. The Pax Americana ends.
The problem is, of course, that no one asked the rest of us citizens of the empire what we thought about all of this. In fact, they went out of their way to NOT ask us, to pretend not to hear when we told them anyway, and to try and replace us with a more compliant population of serfs.

There is no longer any way that this doesn't end badly. We passed that point of no return some time ago.
A Swedish woman who recently fled to Hungary after living there for nearly 40 years shared her experience with Hungarian media in a gripping television interview, detailing a rapid deterioration in safety and security due to the migrant invasion. 
Natalie Contessa is a dual citizen of both nations, but after spending the majority of her life in Sweden, she felt compelled to escape to her motherland, telling Hungarian state broadcaster M1 that many of her friends and family are also emigrating to less dangerous Western countries.

"There is no safety at all. With all those migrants they let into the country, unfortunately the situation got worse," Contessa said. "For example, you can't travel in the daytime on the metro in Stockholm where I lived, because the migrants sexually assault women, and nobody helps. The police do not come out."
"You might sit in a coffee house during the daytime, and suddenly five or six migrants run in, 15 or 16-years-old, and threaten you with a knife. They take your mobile phone and your bag." 
She explained that many jobs are being handed over to inexperienced migrants, including in hospitals where she worked, fueling a growing exodus by Swedish medical professionals to other countries, like Norway. 
She also asserted that hospitals have become dangerous, with sexual assaults on the rise as they become packed with Islamic migrants notorious for preying on Swedish women.
"A lot of Swedish nurses who work in the hospital leave their jobs, because they get sexually molested, even in the workplace," Contessa said, adding that there is an overwhelming suppression of these stories by government, media and even leftist bullies, where those who speak out are slandered, ostracized - and even criminally charged.
Contessa's horrifying tale from the medical field is becoming the norm in many European localities, where migrants riddled with formerly-eradicated diseases assault nurses and doctors, throwing feces and urine - one Somali migrant even sexually assaulted an Italian woman while she was in labor. 
"Gone are the days when Sweden was considered one of the world's safest countries. The everyday situation in Sweden has become so dangerous that even personnel at Swedish hospitals have to fear for their lives," Sputnik reported recently."Gang members barging in with guns, knife-fighting in the waiting rooms and shooting victims dumped near entrances have all become the harsh reality of the emergency department at Malmö Hospital."
There really aren't places to run. We'll need to stand and fight against the migrant invasion, both in Europe and America. To be honest, the sooner we do it, the better off we'll be. Trump came at the right time. Actually, he should have come in the 80s right after Reagan foolishly signed off on amnesty. Or better yet, in the 60s to veto the Hart-Cellar "Destroy Heritage America" act.

Written by, of course, the grandsons of Fake American immigrants, Emmanuel Cellar and Phillip Hart, and championed by Ted Kennedy, also the grandson of an immigrant, and part of a family that identified more with their home country than with the transient one in which they lived.

Convincing evidence that immigrants should never be allowed a voice in the policies of the nation that they have moved to for at least four generations. Their loyalty is consistently not with their adopted country until they've assimilated, and they've consistently not assimilated until AT LEAST that long. Often longer, if there are large communities from the Old Country that they can band with and maintain their identity rather than becoming Americans.

While we weren't paying attention, and naively believed in this "nation of immigrants" nonsense propaganda, our heritage, birthright and cultural inheritance was literally stolen out from under us, and now we'll need to fight like mad to hold on to even a portion of it.

Ricky Gervais has backed a dog owner who has been convicted of being 'grossly offensive' online after he filmed his girlfriend's pug giving Nazi salutes and put it on YouTube. 
The comedian took to Twitter to throw his support behind Mark Meechan from Coatbridge, Lanarkshire, who was found guilty under the Communications Act in Airdrie Sheriff Court on Tuesday.  
Meechan, 30, had recorded a pug, Buddha, responding to statements such as 'gas the Jews' and 'Sieg Heil' by raising its paw. He was arrested for allegedly committing a hate crime after he uploaded the footage to YouTube in April of 2016. 
Gervais took a strong stance against the verdict, tweeting: 'A man has been convicted in a UK court of making a joke that was deemed ''grossly offensive''. 
'If you don't believe in a person's right to say things that you might find ''grossly offensive'', then you don't believe in Freedom of Speech.
A few observations:

1) Free speech is dead in the West. Pretending like it exists is a tactical and category error. Just stop. It's time to stop preening about an ideal of free speech that only exists in your imagination and start aggressively fighting to defend Western civilization from those who would destroy it.

2) Free speech and open society was always just an anti-Christian con. Why isn't Ricky Gervais in jail, since the article mentions him so prominently? Did anyone now watch the grossly offensive "12 Days of Rickmas?"

3) Why wasn't his girlfriend arrested for naming her dog Buddha? Oh, right... the only truly "offensive" speech in the West is speech that insults Islam or the Jews. I suppose we know who really rules, don't we? So much for the fantasy that the wave of Ellis Island Jews (and their counterparts who went to Britain) have successfully assimilated.

4) As far as I'm concerned, let's bring back the anti-blasphemy laws that defended Christianity from the calumny and defamation of Jews, Marxists, Mahometans and anyone else who observably and obviously wants to destroy Christendom.

5) The tyrannical, hateful government of the UK seems to see Sweden as a role model rather than as a warning. It will probably end with judges on gibbets.
Facebook is facing its biggest test ever—and its lack of leadership could sink the company 
Facebook's reaction to a year of scandal has vacillated between defensive cluelessness and aloof silence. 
Users are getting the message that information they post on Facebook can be used in ways they did not intend, and usage is starting to decline. 
Meanwhile, executives are selling shares like crazy, including a plan by Mark Zuckerberg to sell almost $13 billion worth of shares by mid-2019.
$2 trillion in fines? Hahahaha! Along with the additional $200 billion (not to mention whatever other penalties for trying to hack our elections--see additional link in comments). How nice.
"Up to 1,000 children could have been abused in Britain’s biggest ever child abuse scandal, an investigation has revealed. 
Hundreds of children, some as young as 11, are estimated to have been drugged, beaten and raped over a 40-year period in the town of Telford." 
Notice that key phrase: “over a 40-year period.” In other words, no sooner was the cement dry on this new town of Telford, and the white proles and the Muslims moved into those gleaming new projects, than the Muslims were preying on the white girls. 
It’s the Rotherham scandal of five years ago all over again. And, as there, nobody much cared about these girls. From the point of view of the globalized mandarins and the middle-class social workers with degrees in Sociology from Cuck University, the girls were just white trash, totally lacking in the vibrancy and diversity that make a modern society worth living in. 
Also, as in Rotherham—and in Nottingham, where Egyptian student Mariam Moustafa was just beaten to death by Third World savages—the police had no interest in investigating what was going on, much less in arresting and prosecuting the perpetrators. If they did show such interest, someone might call them RACIST. [Scream]. 
So British law enforcement won’t pursue rapists and murderers who are black or Muslim. 
A society in the throes of r-selection does indeed seem mad. Even accounting for the vacuous virtue signaling that is the inevitable result of the gynocratic tyranny we live under, this is hard to swallow.

And yet can we Americans really throw stones at the folly of our cousins in Britain? Tens of millions of Mexicans live in America who openly claim they want to "make America Mexico again" under the delusional or dishonest belief that we "stole" half the country from them. Do even the so-called conservatives have any problem with a literal army of invading colonizers who have expressed clearly this revanchist desire to take our country from us by conquest?

No. They do not. They're still more afraid of being called a racist than they are of the obviously inevitable future when they and their children are killed in the streets for possession of the limited resources that we'll be squabbling over when there inevitable end of the credit and usury bubble that makes up our economy pops, as it must.

Sigh. It's one thing to know vaguely that chaotic, tough tines are ahead before the Second Coming can happen. It's another thing altogether to recognize specifically what they will look like and what will cause them, how they could be mitigated to not be so terrible, and see that there is no political will to do so for the most foolish of reasons.
Twelve-year-old Michelle Flores shared a special moment with her family at FIU this past Saturday: She and her sister Gabriela joined their parents, FIU alumni Leonor and Henry Flores MIS ’01, to watch a 950-ton section of a pedestrian bridge swing into its permanent position across Southwest 8th Street.
Leonor Flores ’98 is a project executive and one of 63 FIU alumni who work for MCM, the construction firm building the FIU-Sweetwater UniversityCity Bridge, which will further connect FIU and its northerly neighbor, the City of Sweetwater. She was excited to share her work with her family, especially Michelle, who is interested in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) in school. 
Michelle said she might want to follow in her parents’ footsteps and go to FIU when the time comes, and that it was fascinating to see her mom’s work in action. “I’m interested in the architecture and the design of the bridge, and the math portion of it,” she said. 
Said Leonor: “It’s very important for me as a woman and an engineer to be able to promote that to my daughter, because I think women have a different perspective. We’re able to put in an artistic touch and we’re able to build, too.”
I'm shocked that they haven't taken this down. It's more than a little awkward for this article to be celebrating how wonderful it is that a minority female project manager and engineer has completed this bridge project when literally the day after this article was posted, the bridge collapsed and killed four people.
Elizabeth Holmes — the Silicon Valley wunderkind whose blood-testing startup Theranos has collapsed in a slew of scandals — has been charged with “massive fraud” by the Securities and Exchange Commission. 
The SEC on Wednesday accused Theranos CEO Holmes and a top lieutenant of defrauding investors of more than $700 million through false claims about its technology. 
Holmes — a Steve Jobs wannabe who dressed exclusively in black turtlenecks as she talked up her blood-testing unicorn, which at one point boasted a valuation north of $9 billion — settled with the regulators for $500,000 while neither admitting nor denying the accusations. 
Theranos disclosed in a 2016 letter to investors it was under a criminal probe. No criminal charges have been filed, and it’s not known if the investigation is ongoing.
Holmes additionally agreed to not be a director or officer of a public company for 10 years, and to forgo profiting from Theranos ownership until $750 million is returned to investors, according to the consent order with the SEC.
Theranos and 34-year-old Holmes ran “an elaborate, years-long fraud in which they exaggerated or made false statements about the company’s technology, business, and financial performance,” according to the SEC. 
While Theranos had said it was on track to make $100 million by the end of 2014, the real figure was “a little more than $100,000,” according to the SEC. And, contrary to what Theranos told investors about the Department Defense using its blood tests, they were “never deployed by the DOD in the battlefield, in Afghanistan, or on medevac helicopters,” according to the settlement. 
The disgraced CEO also misled employees about its institutional backing, according to the charges. Theranos distributed pitch books to investors containing articles purportedly written by other pharmaceutical executives — lending the startup institutional clout —but were in fact written by company employees, according to the charges.
Whoops! "The next Steve Jobs" turned out to be the next Bernie Madoff.

It hardly escapes the notice of even the least astute that basing our economy on Silicon Valley—or at least pointing to Silicon Valley as evidence that our economy is doing well—is pretty silly, given that it's little more than a technologically flavored Ponzi scheme. Most SV startups never intend to do anything at all other than line up as much VC dollars as they can and send the executives off into fabulously wealthy retirement, especially if they can manage to finagle a sale to some other, larger company like Google.

I've looked at the revenue streams and profits for a some of them. It almost seems as if they never were even intended to make any money—or even much of a product—at all. It was all only ever about raising capital and salaries.

Maybe we should adopt the Hultgreen-Curie syndrome to the corporate world. Fiorina-Holmes syndrome?  It's almost enough to make me want to abandon any form of honest living; find a model-tier female "business partner" who is not afraid to "work" a crowd; and pitch the most absurd SJW infested tech idea I can imagine while drunk. Ideally something with an environmental angle so I could get Federal funding along with VC money.

What's the worst that could happen? The SEC fines me for 1/10th the money I steal? My business partner gets herpes? I'll have to get rid of all the mirrors in my house so I don't have to look at myself?

 I think the problem that this type of video and the content it has is many-fold, which means that yeah—same time next week is probably accurate [for another go at this round and round argument].

1) The history of the parties doesn't really matter. When the Democrat party was founded by Andrew Jackson, it stood for concepts that most conservatives today would be in agreement with. The Republican party, on the other hand, was made up of the former Whigs, and stood for the old Henry Clay whig party apparatus. Both parties have evolved significantly; the Republican party was hijacked by FDR style Democrats that were specifically condemned repeatedly by Heber J. Grant, David O. McKay and others. The Democrat party was hijacked by absolutely insane, hateful cultural Marxism which was more specifically condemned by Ezra Taft Benson and Harold B. Lee. Both parties today are Leftist, ergo both stand for an ideology that was absolutely and specifically called Luciferian by the Brethren on multiple occasions (in spite of the attempted dismissal above—go read your old conference talks, buddy).

2) Democrats in the Church (and elsewhere, for that matter) tend to project their own hyper partisanship onto conservatives, which is a major category error. Conservatives in America are extremely frustrated with a Republican party that pretends (a little bit) to be conservative, but hasn't even made any effort to conserve anything of America down to letting the little girls room be taken over by perverts and psychos. Thus we see strange non sequiturs, like the response above that says something about the Republican party, when in reality the Republican party has relatively low approval among conservatives and few conservatives use the Republican party as an element of their identity. The same is NOT true for liberals, of course, who tend to wear their DNC team jerseys everywhere, metaphorically speaking, and who will follow the DNC anywhere it goes, even when it's going the exact opposite direction of where it just was a few days ago. They tend to have party loyalty, whereas conservatives tend to have ideological loyalty.

3) Trump Derangement Syndrome. Unlike the related Bush Derangement Syndrome we used to have, TDS not only affects liberals (for the reasons mentioned above in number 2) but it also affects the most self-righteous of Phariseeist virtue-signalers who call themselves conservatives too, hence the entire Evan McMullin phenomena and the distancing that even conservatives in this discussion are doing from Trump—in spite of the fact that Trump has done much more to enact a conservative agenda than any President in my lifetime, INCLUDING Ronald Reagan. The reality is that Donald Trump is the best President America has had—with the possible exception of Calvin Coolidge—since Andrew Jackson. And that's with only one year in office (although that title is still his to lose if he falters under pressure and gets involved in Imperialist adventurism, or agrees to give away our country, as past presidents and Congress seem determined to do.) And yet, people hate him. Well, it's obvious why liberals hate him—he's doing more to expose the hollowness of their ideology and grip on power than anyone before or since. It's not so obvious why so many conservatives hate him, except that they have this bizarre fixation with "decorum" and going down with the ship. I shake my head a lot, wondering what members of the Church today would say about Captain Moroni were he a contemporary. "Oh my gosh, did you hear what he wrote to Pahoran? That's not who we are!"

4) PragerU is an outfit who operates much like those virtue-signaling Fake Conservatives, quite honestly. I suppose it's good for the people who are just starting on the journey of looking beyond the most shallow of mainstream mirages about political and social issues, but Dennis Prager and his team are very much the Establishment Republican types who have never even attempted in the past to represent mainstream American VOTERS or their ideology. Related to number 1 above, it also is a tactical error. Conservatives tend to be dialectic speakers who believe (naively and stubbornly) that if they can get a bunch of facts together that they can convince everyone of the rightness of their cause because it actually make sense and is logical and all that. Liberals, on the other hand, tend to be rhetoric speakers who believe that emotional incontinence is all that's required to be convincing. This leads to the phenomena known as DR3, an abbreviation for the expression "Democrats R the Real Racists" of which this PragerU vid is an example. While it is true, of course, that Democrats are hyper bigoted both with regards to race, sex, ideology and more, and it's extremely easy to demonstrate dialectically that liberals are much more racist overall than conservatives are, IT DOESN'T MATTER because FACTS don't matter. What matters to a liberal are, in order: a) where is the herd-mind at, and am I aligned with it, b) how can I signal my alignment with the herd-mind, and c) what can I do to get an endorphin rush by making myself appear morally superior (for "morality" as defined by the herd-mind) to people around me, particularly if I can do so at no cost to myself, or at least at a dispersed cost to myself that I don't have to bear the burden of?

UPDATE:  Just a small add to the above:

I'm not kidding when I say that liberals are incapable of reasonable discussion, and science proves it.  The NPC meme is effective because it's true.

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