
Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Some More great Unz articles

Archived, so I can find them more easily again.

There's especially a lot in the last article, small though it is.  Or rather, there's a lot more on that topic than the last article has, although there's some pretty good links within the article itself.  As an ethnic Southerner myself, I grow extremely tired of the slander and hatred poured upon the South, where we are cast as the eternal villains and the Original Sin of America, which justifies the continued oppression of our people, our culture, our traditions, our iconography and symbols, and indeed, the replacement of us in our own homelands.  The lies and slander about the South and Southerners is hardly new; it started before the Civil War even happened, but it was tempered by at least some common sense.  I mean, when I was a kid, it was still possible for The Dukes of Hazzard to not only be made, but even to be a huge, nationwide hit.

Almost nothing about what people "know" about the Civil War is really true.  Especially the notion that the Confederacy was the American equivalent of Nazi Germany.

For that matter, Nazi Germany wasn't even what Nazi Germany is believed to be either.

And not Ron Unz, but another Jewish "defector" telling America what's really going on.

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