
Monday, February 25, 2019


The Smollett Hate Hoax is an interesting one.  It's prompted a lot of columns and stuff; but I think the most pertinent are here.  First, a selection from Jonah Goldberg.  His entire column isn't good; he can't stop with his pro-Jewish and anti-American identity politics because he's not very honest with himself sometimes, but this point, at least, is 100% true:
Here’s something you might not know: In Nazi Germany, very few Jews staged bogus hate crimes against themselves. 
Here’s some more trivia: Very few blacks in the Jim Crow South went to great lengths to pretend that they were harassed or attacked by racists. 
You know why? Because that would be incredibly stupid. What, exactly, would the German Jew who staged an assault on himself gain from it? Where would he or she go to ask for sympathy or recompense? Conjure any horror story you like, the Nazi official you brought it to would say, “Yeah, and . . . ?” The black sharecropper who took the time to make his own cross and burn it on his own property would benefit . . . how? 
Why am I bringing this up? Well, for a bunch of reasons. I have more points to make than can be found at an English Setter competition. 
First, people who live under real oppression have no need to fabulate oppression. To paraphrase Madge from the old Palmolive ads: They’re already soaking in it. 
Second, when you live in an oppressive country, there’s no one you can take your grievances to because that is what it means to live in an oppressive country! For God’s sake, people, you’re making me use exclamation points and italics here. If you’re an inmate in the Shawshank prison, you can’t go to the guards to complain. When you live in North Korea, you can’t go to the local police and gripe about your working conditions or the sawdust in your bread.
Then, from the Z Man:
Because I am not insane, I assumed the Jusse Smollett caper was a hoax as soon as it made the news. It ticked all the boxes of a hoax. The alleged victim was a black Jewish homosexual, who makes a living as a drama queen. The alleged incident happened in Chicago, where the last racist redneck was last seen in the 19th century. The incident happened in a part of town that caters to deviants like Smollett, not MAGA hat wearing Trump supporters. Again, only a nut would accept the story at face value. 
Similarly, once the hoax was made plain, I knew the believers on the Left, by which I mean everyone on the Left, would go through the usual phases that they always pass through when confronting disconfirmation. Initially they would lash out at doubters, calling them blasphemers. As the truth was slowly revealed, they would search for explanations to excuse Smollett. Finally, once it was confirmed to be a hoax, they would enter the phase where they admit it was a hoax, but claim these crimes are common. 
[...] The general explanation [for this behavior] is that these people need to be reinforced in their beliefs and they need to reinforce one another in their beliefs. Progressivism is a social system, as well as a set of beliefs. The believer is not just defined by his beliefs, but by his association with others. Much of the signaling we see from them is not intended for us. Like fireflies blinking in the dusk, they are signaling to one another. These hoaxes provide the opportunity for it. 
The people [from the cast of The Big Bang], for example, don’t care about the details of the case or whether it is even true. They play make believe for a living, so facts grounded in observable reality are not important to them. This Smollett thing was like a stage that suddenly popped up in the public square, allowing them to climb aboard and perform. What they will remember and what their coreligionists will remember, is that they were on board early and stood strong for a victim of those terrible white people on the other side of the wall. 
It’s why these people not only fall for these hoaxes, but amplify them. You can be sure that many of the people [above] have fallen for many of these hoaxes. The little Jewish guy, front row, third from the right, is a barking at the moon anti-white. He really believes Hitler is about to pop out from the bushes and carry him off to a camp. The next time whites are libeled in some way, he will be right there showing his support for the anti-white, regardless of how silly the claim. He is consumed with a hatred of white people. 
That’s the thing though. Not only do these people keep falling for these hoaxes, these hoaxes are becoming more common and more outlandish. This one is so absurd, it would not pass muster with Hollywood script writers. The University of Virginia rape hoax was also laughably absurd. In other words, instead of these hoaxes leading to greater skepticism, these hoaxes result in greater credulity on the Left. It’s as if each one is an appetizer, wetting the appetite of the believers, who are desperate for the real thing. 
The other side of this dynamic is the civic nationalists are close to a frenzy, trying to prove the next hoax false, confident that this time will do the trick. The Left, confronted with the reality of these hoaxes, will throw down their weapons and finally admit, that yeah, these things are fake. The fear of the secret invisible Hitler people is all nonsense. During every one of these, the CivNats start blinking to one another, working the details of the puzzle, confident that their “eureka!” moment is at hand. 
It is a good example of the central challenge of this age. Guys like Steve Sailer truly believe they can turn the tide with facts and reason. He probably has 25 posts on this Smollett thing. He has been working the hate-hoax angle for close to two decades now, yet here we are anyway. He is no closer to unriddling the hate hoax puzzle than he was twenty years ago. If anything, the hoaxes have become more outlandish. Even so, he will keep trying to use facts and reason to address a matter of belief. 
No doubt, some civic nationalist types would argue that their project is not about convincing the Left. It is about demonstrating to normal people that these people are dishonest, crazy or even dangerous. In other words, using facts and reason is not about countering belief, but about convincing the rational. The trouble is the Left is undefeated against this strategy and it permits them to own the moral high ground. In this case, they were the ones defending the victim against those evil whites. 
Culture wars are moral wars. It is about imposing your morality on the other side, no matter what it takes. It’s why radicals have had no qualms about using violence against their perceived enemies. It’s why Antifa exists. They’re not trying to prove their case or win arguments. They are about clubbing the doubters into submission. From the perspective of the Left, this Smollett affair was a big win. They reinforced an important point They control the morality and they will impose it on society.
And from Roissy.  I've edited it for language.
The best thing about the Smollett Libel is that it also smears the media, because the gears of the Anti-White Hate Hoax Machine are as much lubed by the Narrative agitprop of credulous journalists as they are by attention whore gay Jewish black actors. You can tell this shames the media as much as it does Smollett by how sheepishly the usual suspects are reporting the story. 
The Mainstream Media, as is their nature, are treating the Smollett Libel as a one-off. But it’s not. Anti-White hate hoaxes are the norm rather than the exception in Clown America. 
Neither was it a ruse by Smollett to coax his Empire producers for a salary raise. That's just his lawyers' squid ink to distract from the real, underlying motive. Smollett may have thought the insta-fame from being a hate crime victim would shine his Hollywood star ("see, randos on the street know who I am!"), but the compulsion came from a deeper place, where raw tribal instincts boil in a hindbrain stew. 
Let's be clear about this, Smollett’s Blood Libel carried with it some very serious consequences, if he had pulled it off. The sociopath narcissist was ready to condemn two innocent White men to prison to preserve the believability of his faked anti-black and anti-gay hate crime. Had the security camera been pointing in the right direction, he may have succeeded. Realize what this means. A pumped and primed media running a 24/7 weeks-long propaganda blitz featuring a grainy video of the two masked Nigerians wearing MAGA hats in a choreographed beating and noosing of Smollett would have set Chicago ablaze in race riots. There would have been multiple deaths, billions in property damage, and even greater State hounding of dissident White men. 
We dodged a huge bullet thanks to Smollett’s idiocy and the media’s eager overreach. People lament it's as if the media learned nothing from the anti-White UVA and Covington Boys hate hoaxes, but that misses the point. The media ARE NOT INTERESTED in learning any lessons; the media WANT to push these blood libels against White Christian men. Do you think leftoid media apparatchiks don't already know most of these "hate crimes" are hoaxes? They know, and they don't care. They abide one journalist ethic: GET WHITEY. 
The blood libeler exploitation was a mutually reinforcing feedback loop. Smollett exploited a credulous media that so badly WANTED TO BELIEVE IN AND PROSELYTIZE the myth of structural White racism, while the media exploited a narcissistic racist Smollett who so badly WANTED TO MAKE EVERYONE BELIEVE IN the myth of structural White racism. 
The media is disproportionately, veering toward predominately, staffed, operated, and owned by (((special people))), who harbor a visceral hatred and spiteful envy of White male Christians. It is what it is, I don't write the cosmic laws. As long as the media is in the grips of this small but powerful minority, the GET WHITEY prime directive will remain in place. The only solution is mass firings from media outlets and substitution with Heritage Americans. I'm looking at you, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, BEZOSPOST, CARLOSSLIMTIMES, AP, REUTERS, YAHOO, AXIOS, HUFFPO, BUZZFEED, and EVERYONE AT FOX EXCEPT TUCKER CARLSON. 
Smollett let down the media because he was such a dummy that he exposed the Anti-White Hate Hoax Industry and the media's role in it to Nice White Americans who would normally give these "victims" the benefit of the doubt. No more. A killing blow has been delivered to the Hate Hoax Machine. The media will try to move on from Smollett as if nothing much has changed, but they will find their hope outraces their accelerating disgrace when, in future hate crime cases, regular White Americans shrug and ask for hard evidence first before giving their credulity. 
Smollett screwed up this cushy gig the media (and their Uniparty allies) had going, and for that we should thank him. Ironically, Smollett has done a world of good for MAGA.
Smollett revealed two simultaneous, interdependent operative cultures: The Lie Culture and the Anti-White Blood Libel Culture. These are real cultures, as opposed to Fake Cultures like Patriarchy or Rape Culture or White Privilege which White liberals cling to for ego gratification and guilt amelioration. 
The hot take from National Review is instructive. Smollett is the consequence of a "victim culture" in which social status is gained through victim "faming". While not entirely meritless, this typically cuck-preferred argument is misleading. If a victim culture were the primary motivating force behind all these hate hoaxes, why is it primarily White Christian men targeted by the victim mongers? A true victim culture would feature a more random assortment of perpetrators to boost the opportunities available to the victim whore. 
The truth is that the fundamental motivation of these hate hoaxes, and the nature of the culture which exalts the hate hoax mentality, is HATRED OF WHITE PEOPLE, and specifically hatred of White Christian men. 
This is the alpha and the omega of modern day America. NO COUNTRY FOR GOY WHITE MEN. 
Until and if "mainstream" conservatives acknowledge this reality, we will continue losing the war, and our nation, to the degenerate Left.

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