
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

What is a Judeo-Christian value?

This article should be required reading for all Christians.  Yeah, yeah—"not all Jews are like that!"  I'm sure that's true.  I have an ancestor, somewhat distant, but still, who we believe was Jewish, from Prussia.  He came to America in the late 1600s, married a local Christian girl, abandoned his Jewish identity and became American (I personally think it likely that this process started a few generations earlier, and may well have been part of the reason for the move to America in the first place, but his grandfather had already left Prussia to move to Switzerland.  It seems likely that that's because they'd already abandoned their Jewish identity and married local Christian girls, although I admit that that's speculation on my part.) Personally, I believe that's the only way any fake American becomes American, and actually, even then he doesn't—his descendants a few generations later have become American.  But given that my ancestor gave up his Jewish identity for a Christian, American one, I'm not sure he counts as a good example anyway.

One of my sons was declared to belong to the tribe of Judah in his patriarchal blessing (probably this Jewish ancestor plays some role in that), so I've given maybe a little more thought than most (certainly more than I had prior to that) to what it means to be Jewish.  And what the world means and what God means are not the same thing—obviously my son does not practice the Talmudic Jewish religion.

The article really drips with the hatred, derision and contempt that many Jews feel for America and Western Civilization overall.  You can see that there is a large group of Jews, including most of those who chart their public course, who truly do hate Western Civilization, especially Christianity, and are as fully and fundamentally opposed to it as their Pharisee ancestors were at the time of Christ.  Once you can get your head around that idea in the first place, then suddenly your eyes are opened, quite literally.  All kinds of behavior of Jews in politics, in Hollywood, in academia, in the press, and elsewhere, actually starts to make sense for the first time ever—it's because they never assimilated, never became Americans, and in fact, feel nothing but contempt and scorn for America, for Christianity, and our European nations (and by this I mean that America is a nation descended from Europeans, bearing European culture and genetics, not that we're located in Europe, obviously.)

Judeo-Christian doesn't mean anything.  It's a rhetorical sleight of hand, meant to make it easier for us to be exploited to further Jewish interests.  Which is why we've spent decades burning through American money and lives fighting wars in the Middle East that nobody who's not Jewish can think of a reason for exactly.  Which is why it's been Jewish politicians and academics that have fed a steady diet of socialism and tyranny to Americans for decades (as they did to the Russians and other Europeans before that).  It's why Hollywood, the media and academia have waged such a brutal political war to purge Christianity from the public sphere, enabled by subverting Jewish judges on the bench, who had no interest or respect for the white Anglo-Saxon Christian traditions which made Christianity such an integral part of American cultural fabric until fairly recently.  It's even why the accused in the #MeToo movement were over 75% Jewish or part Jewish; a semi-controlled burn where a few were sacrificed to maintain the much greater massive system that exploits American women and children for Jewish sexual exploitation even today.  Heck, Jewish lawyer Alan Dershowitz recently made a motion with Jewish 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals judge Robert Katzmann to keep the legal implications of unsealing documents related to Jewish convicted pedophile pimp Jeffrey Epstein from being made public.  What's already been made public in stuff like Judy Garland or Shirley Temple's biographies, or in articles like the one I linked above, should be sufficient to make any American wary at best, and willing to entertain ideas about the behavior of Jews that he otherwise would never have considered—because an awful lot of them have proven that they have no qualms, reservations or willingness to condemn that behavior, as long as it comes from a Jew.

Now, of course, while I rather flippantly used the expression "Not all Jews are like that!" of course, that's true too.  Just because you should be wary because you're aware of behavior patterns doesn't mean that you should automatically assume that behavior patterns are too strongly correlated.  Most people are incapable of nuanced thinking, and I'm hardly recommending that being wary of the influence of Jews in both your public and private life means that you should shun and condemn all Jews either.  That would be absurd.  People, yes even Jewish people, need to be treated like individuals, and your dealings with them based on your experience with them.

But that said, be wary of people who have divided or hidden loyalties, and may not be pursuing the best interests of you, your family, your nation and your traditions at all.  And the same applies to more than just the Jews, of course.  And how do you know to be wary?  Because a reasoned and calm discussion like I'm trying to have here would be met with shrieks and screams of "anti-Semite!" and demands for my apology, my firing, my complete and total unpersoning in American society.  Or they would, rather, if I were important enough to get anyone's attention.

PS: Check out this transcript of a podcast review or Horazny's The Virtue of Nationalism

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