
Monday, April 15, 2019

Alma and Helaman and Third Nephi

It's always amazing to me reading the Book of Mormon how quickly things go bad for the Nephites.  One minute they're repentant and righteous and Mormon as compiler/narrator is regaling the reader with praises for the peace that they had.  Within just a year or two, it all turns into a huge mess with apostasty, civil war, invasion, or other significant problems.  They just can't keep it together.  Even the longest time that they had, which is specifically signaled out, only lasts three generations.  They also seem to suffer from a very conspicuous, at least for us as observers from outside, belief that "it can't happen here," for whatever reason.

Then again, it's easy to see from the outside, yet difficult to see from the inside, even when it's happening to you.  America over my lifetime has turned into the Soviet Union.  It's even worse than the Soviet Union, because the founding population is so oppressed and so propagandized that it should be oppressed, that most people don't even bat an eye at their oppression.

From the most recent Z-man column:
America is a land that bans books, has political prisoners and condemns people to a form of internal exile where they cannot have a job or maintain a normal life. Ten years ago, if someone said Americans would lose their jobs because they liked something on social media, only the aluminum foil hat types would have believed it. Such things were considered impossible just a decade ago. In the 1980’s, these were the sorts of things that happened in the Soviet Union, which was why communism was considered evil. 
Yet, here we are, seeing things we thought impossible not so long ago. This is a clip from a television show aired on one of the legacy networks. The video is a naked call for violence against whites. Even after all of the outrageous behavior we have seen from the ruling class the last few years, no reasonable person would have thought this was possible even a year ago. Even the Soviets at the worst were not exhorting people to commit acts of violence against enemies of the revolution. 
Up until now, it was reasonable to think that the paleocons were right. The Left was using excited language in an effort to keep their coalition of non-white tribes focused on white men, rather than their many grievances with one another. That sounded logical and let’s face it, it is what most normal white people want to believe. After all, the implication of this line of reasoning is that the Left is struggling to keep it together. We don’t have to worry about facing them in a fight, as they will splinter and abandon the field. 
The travelling partner to this line of thought comes from the principled conservatives, who are always ready to create a new set of conservative principles to excuse the excesses of the Left. Without acknowledging the paleocons, they implicitly accept the argument, but add on that the more sober minded on the Left will see the folly of their actions and begin to rein in their crazies, before anything serious happens. This is when they accuse the dissident right of harming civility and appeal to the Left for bipartisanship.
It’s not hard to see why normal middle-class white people find this appealing. They live ordered lives and just want to be left to live those ordered lives in peace. What they don’t want to see is violence in the streets and they certainly don’t want to be asked to confront those violent crazies on their streets. The Danegeld gets a bad reputation, but it is easy to understand the appeal in the moment. The current version is the Prog-geld, where the civilized concede a little bit of civilization, in order to avoid fighting the Prog.
This cycle where the Left commits outrages against civility and the white middle-class accommodates it, has led to where we are now. The people calling themselves the defenders of democracy tried to subvert the last Presidential election. The so-called social justice warriors celebrate a black movie star walking free after perpetrating a blood libel against white people. The defenders of open debate on the college campus, rush to suppress any opinion not on the increasingly narrow list of approved opinions.
I see this all of the time with many so-called happy conservatives, who just refuse to see what's happening, and refuse to believe what will inevitably happen, and surprisingly quickly, I believe, could actually happen here. It will.  It actually already is, although various cover-ups and memory-hole options make it possible for us to close our eyes to what's happening and pretend that it isn't.
That is an important clue. Spend time on social media and you see the people claiming to be the vanguard of the proletariat celebrating trillion dollar corporations stomping on poor guys holding the wrong opinions. The pampered Progressives in the ruling class imagine themselves to be the resistance against oppression. This justifies them using any means necessary to defeat their enemy. That video is a justification of preemptive violence, because they believe people like you are a threat to their well-being. 
It’s why it is time think about what is impossible today, in terms of social breakdown, as it will most likely happen tomorrow. The blood lust of the ruling class for whites not obediently walking into the void, is now undeniable. Their response to the 2016 election was to declare war on white America. In their minds, it is a defensive war and they are fully justified to use any means necessary to win. There will be no point where they pull back, fearing they have gone too far. Instead they will always seek to go further. 
Again, America is a land where books are banned, people are given long prison terms for holding unpopular opinions and the livelihoods of contrarians are destroyed. This is a land where gangs of roving mobs, financed by billionaires, commit violence against citizens without consequence. Now we have a major television network calling for violence against whites and celebrating violent acts against a specific person. All of this was thought to be impossible ten years ago. What impossible thing will tomorrow bring?
Before the First Coming of Jesus Christ, the Nephites had promised to put to death all members of the Church, and in fact, would have done so the very next day.  When he did come and the signs and wonders that were prophesied all came to pass, they had a stay of execution, but the repentance and righteousness didn't last very long.  At the end of Christ's ministry, a mere thirty-three years later, their supposedly repentant nation was in disarray all over again, the government overthrown, gangs and tribes wandering a post-apocalyptic countryside "slaughtering many."  And that's just the first wave; the Gadianton robbers, whom Gidgiddoni overthrew and destroyed in the 11-13th years after the sign of Christ's birth.  After that happened, there was yet another major apostasy and complete disarray of the affairs of the people in the 30-33th year.  Sigh. 

What will happen to America before the Second Coming?  We're already at the point where it's OK to run around randomly killing white people.  And how soon will it get here?

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