
Tuesday, July 9, 2019

A few Facebook updates...

I'm back on Facebook, for now, although I plan on deactivating my account again shortly after my son leaves on his mission, because I'll have run out of things to see that I really want to.

Here's a few posts I've made recently, and the links that they apply to, if they do.
A quick copy and paste note from the Z-man: "The most obvious example of how [founding myths] work is the Lincoln fetish we see with our ruling class in America. Both sides venerate Lincoln and the Gettysburg address, The Civil War has been cast as the second founding, a purification ritual that addressed the original sin of slavery and republicanism in the founding. Rather than being seen as a break from the founding, which is surely was, it is a continuation of it. Lincoln the usurper, is replaced with Lincoln the saint, who saved the republic. 
"The Gettysburg Address now holds more emotional power for our elites than the actual founding documents. At some level, Lincoln certainly knew he was a usurper and that speech is pretty good proof of it. He allegedly jotted it down without much thought, but it shows all the signs of a man who knew he destroyed the old order and was now tasked with creating a new one. Starting with a lie about his own motivations was the most obvious place to start. It was the usurper announcing his victory. 
"The great compromise after the Civil War was to allow the defeated to hang onto their heroes in symbolic form. In order to avoid a genocide, which is what abolitionists surely desired, the South was allowed to exist as a conquered people, but with their memories and some of their customs intact. Whether it was conscious or just an inevitable result of the war, a grand compromise evolved that allowed the South to retain its unique identity, but subsume it into the overall identity of the new nation. 
"Of course, this is why the current ruling class is obsessed now with erasing all traces of the South, by toppling over statues, desecrating graves and erasing images of the actual founders of the United States. These are people haunted by their own illegitimate claims on power, so they are removing anything that reminds them of a past in which they played no part. It’s also why the past is being systematically colorized to write in strangers to the family tree of America. 
"That’s why these acts are so compelling to the emerging multicultural ruling elites. For them, this is not about revenge or spiting people they hate. They are, in fact, a consecration of their own authority. They are symbolically giving birth to their new nation by destroying the old. For the usurper, the victim is only important in so far as he has what the usurper desires. It’s not vengeance that drives these people. It is a desire to mythologize and legitimize their own authority. 
"The implication here is that the die is cast. It is no longer a question of IF America is taken over by the coalition of the ascendant, but rather how long this process will play out and how it will end. There is no restoration of old white America. That door closed decades ago, when the borders were flung open to the world. If this emerging ruling elite is to be toppled, their power will need to be seized by a new usurper, a group that seeks power and legitimacy by whatever means are available."
And another:
Charles Hurt says it correctly: "[Donald Trump] represents all of these Americans that I grew up with, and that I live with, and that I know. This hot visceral contempt that these people have in the media for Donald Trump is not about Donald Trump. They hate these people that I know. They hate these people that I live with and that I grew up with." 
"Left-wing and partisan Democrats news media figures harbor contempt for Americans who work every day, provide for their families every day, help out their neighbors every single day, [and] who go to church. You can feel their contempt for these people, and you can sense it in everything they do." 
"My faith, my belief is in regular American people. I have no qualms whatsoever about leaving the American people in charge, and that’s what these people want to undo. They want to undo that. Regular American people [are] the only reason America is what it is."
"The Democrat Party’s leadership stands opposed to America’s founding and core principles. They hate America. They hate what it stands for." 
Let's stop pretending that political debates are done in good faith between people who just have honest disagreements about the details. The Left hates everything that America stands for. They hate freedom. They hate personal responsibility. Those two things scare them. They hate Christianity, and the European foundation of Western Civilization, and want to replace them. 
The Left, in a nutshell, is evil and destructive, and based on hate, envy, resentment and fear.
And the last:
This is what immigration is really all about. Americans must give up everything that has made America great so that Third Worlders can plunder it and Elitist Fake Americans can, in turn, benefit politically and economically from their presence at our expense. They don't expect to pay the cost of mass migration, they expect YOU to. Plus, virtue-signaling and peacocking about their "compassion" as they steal the livelihood and the inheritance of your children and give it away, while preserving their own (so they believe) is its own reward; it makes them feel good at no cost to themselves. They are traitors, in other words, enabling the largest invasion in the history of the world. They are kingmen. 
And what did Captain Moroni eventually have to do to invading hordes trying to steal the inheritance—both culturally and literally—of the Nephites, and the traitors and kingmen who enabled them? 
In general, people don't like me to point that out, and they think it's despicable that I would say this, and they don't really want to think about what the consequences of what has happened will inevitably have to be. Because they'd like to use magical wishful thinking to somehow assume that it will all work out and everything will be fine. But that response is both too emotional and too historically ignorant to be taken seriously. Sadly, the damage has already been done and while the consequences have only just barely started to catch up to us, there is a big-time reckoning coming and it will affect everyone in America today, whether you're an elitist Pharisee throwing your own people under the bus, whether you're a Fake American trying to steal a piece of the American dream, or whether you're just a regular, good, old-fashioned American yourself trying to preserve your heritage for your own posterity. Nobody will pass through the near future unscathed. It's already inevitable. The pieces have already all been put into place. Alea iacta est.
Middle Class Americans Must Sacrifice Their Suburbs to Aid Poor Immigrants

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