
Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Those who can't be lived with

While this Buddhist nationalist from Burma says this about the Moslems, it doesn't just apply to them. It also applies to multiple other groups; not all of them nations. Although many of them are. The African-Americans are a separate nation unto themselves, for all intents and purposes, and they offer little but hostility to the host nation among whom they live, as long as they live among us. They see disparate outcomes and blame systemic racism—even though nobody really ever sees any racism; you only ever see people bending over backwards to not be racist. No, the real causes of their disparate outcome are largely confined to having an average IQ a standard deviation lower than white Americans, and a genetic predisposition towards violent and impulsive behavior. Diversity means actual difference and if we can accept that different breeds of dogs can have very different physiological and psychological differences to other breeds, and yet be as completely dogs as some other breed, then why not people too? Jews are also not Americans, and like blacks, strongly resist integrating into American society, becoming American, and letting go of their identity, which is largely based on the exploitation of other peoples. Ron Unz has done tons of good work on documenting this phenomena (in spite of being a Jew himself) in his American Pravda collection.

To the extent that full-blown communist/socialist Leftists, whether they accept that label or not, aren't Jews (and you'd be surprised how foreign and alien that ideology is to actual Americans. Only the subversion of our society through feminism has allowed it to gain a meaningful hold on us, a people who by nature are not prone to that kind of thing at all) they can't be lived with either, because their whole identity is wrapped up in exploiting normal people and refusing to leave them alone. In this sense, the comments by this monk which he uses for Moslems applies equally well to all three of the other groups I've largely mentioned, because their behavior in foreign countries where they are seriously ungracious guests causes them to become like locusts who destroy the host societies in which they live.

Sadly, we've seen this many times before. The Lamanites ultimately proved to be a people who couldn't be lived with as well, as did those who accepted the secret combinations among the Nephites and the Jaredites.

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