
Thursday, April 8, 2021


Fake President Joe the Pretender has signed some fake laws into effect as executive orders. They won't be successfully challenged, even though they blatantly violate the Consitution, because the Courts and the Legistlature are unable and unwilling to do so.

There's no such thing as a gun violence epidemic in America. What there is is a black crime epidemic. If you run the "gun violence" statistics and separate them by race, what you'll find is that the white gun violence crime rate is identical to other white European countries where the gun violence rate is apparently to be admired rather than embarrased by, such as the Dutch gun violence rate, or the Danish gun violence rate.

But I've mentioned many times before that the statistics, although they tend to make people sad to be aware of them, show that clearly black males are an order of magnitude more likely to commit violent crime than any other group, including MENA Moslems, although they are also much more likely to commit violent crime than white people. That's where we are; diversity means actual difference in attitude, in behavior, in culture and in society. It just is. Although I'm not a huge Ben Shapiro fan, he's right about one thing; these facts don't care how you feel about them. They're true nonetheless.

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