
Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Awake to a sense of your awful situation

Normal people have been stubbornly unable and unwilling to face reality, because it's ugly and they'd rather believe a prettier delusion than face facts. That's not sustainable in the long run, but it can go a long way before running face first into the brick wall of reality. The Z-man knocks one out of the park again. He's sometimes hit or miss, and his lack of a spiritual dimension limits his ability to talk about our situation as much as he should, but in spite of that, he's pretty astute, and more to the point, he's able to synthesize and eloquently detail what's going on. I'll edit the post here and there, mostly for length, and add some editor commentary a bit.

Paul Gottfried has a post up on the topic of elite whites incessantly condemning white people for alleged crimes against nonwhites. A feature of the current crisis is a rich white person, usually a woman, wagging a bony finger at white people for the alleged crimes of their ancestors. Of course, these white people always live in the whitest areas and rarely interact with nonwhites. This always brings the charge of hypocrisy from the sorts of people who think this matters.

The question that white civic nationalists ask themselves when confronted by this strange behavior is whether the antiwhite scolds believe it. The practical brains of the people attracted to civic nationalism cannot accept anything but a practical answer to the question of motivation. The antiwhite scolds must see some profit in this behavior so they are cynically exploiting it. They do not actually believe what they are saying, which explains how they live.

Gottfried offers up an alternative to this thesis. These antiwhite scolds are acting from some form of self-loathing. Eric Hoffer made this observation seventy years ago in his book The True Believer. People who join causes tend to do so because they have a desire for self-abnegation. This is driven by a hatred of their natural identity and a desire to swap it for some other identity. The group identity then becomes their own, which is why they so viciously defend the group.

I'm going to excise an example given about Hitler both because it's not nuanced enough to be real, and referring to Hitler in any capacity tends to be too emotional to be useful. Let's just... not.

How is it that someone like Elizabeth Warren can wag her bony finger at us about our white privilege, while she enjoys a lifestyle free of diversity? How is it that Sandy Cortez presents herself as the woke warrioress while married to a guy who looks like he should be leading the New York City St. Patrick’s Day parade? Ilhan Omar divorced her brother so she could shack up with a guy who looks white to Jared Taylor.

All of the antiwhite stuff comes from people who are as white as a Klan rally or clearly infatuated with whiteness. The model of the universe held by the typical white American cannot explain this bizarre phenomenon. This is why they tend to start chanting the word “hypocrisy” even though the target is immune to the charge. That there is a clue as to what is going on with these people. For the antiwhite scolds, there is nothing hypocritical about what they are doing. It makes perfect sense.

"Conservatives" love to quote the probably apocryphal quote about doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, while being completely blind to their own doing so with regards to their responses to liberal outrages, liberal attacks, and liberal insanity. The fact is, that that's exactly the reaction that liberals want to see. It is self-affirming to have weak, bowtie wearing nebbish "conservatives" who think Ben Shapiro is a sharp wit calling them hypocrites.

The place to start here is understanding what they mean by white. It is not skin tone or even ethnic heritage, but rather a state of mind. Elizabeth Warren feels no shame or remorse about defrauding at least one university about her heritage, because as far as she is concerned, her lived experience says she is an Indian. She is not white because she has lived as a nonwhite, therefore society has treated her as a nonwhite, so her lived experience is as a nonwhite.

Even for those who cannot do this mental jujitsu, the mere fact that they accept that whiteness is a social condition is enough for them to see themselves as nonwhite, even though they are ghostly white. It is hard for normal people to accept this, but people with a need to believe in something have an amazing capacity to believe in the most creative and egregious nonsense. Anti-whiteness fills a need for these people, so they find a way to passionately believe in it.

That gets to a much more complicated part of this. What is the void that needs to be filled and is being filled by anti-whiteness? That is answered by asking, why is it that a mediocre lawyer is a senior senator? Why is it that a former barmaid is now the most famous Democrat in the House? What justifies the exalted position of the people who populate the managerial class? It is not smarts or achievement, so how is it that we are ruled by a collection of mediocrities?

That is where these secular fads come into the picture. Elizabeth Warren feels justified in her scolding because she fervently believes all the things the beautiful people believe, which places her on the side of angels. The anti-whiteness is not the point. It is the embrace of it and the thorough understanding of the language it employs that demonstrates the piety of the person espousing it. They could just as easily hate broccoli as they do whiteness. It is the hate that matters.

This is the final stop on the managerial train. A system that seemingly selects people at random and places them into positions of authority and status results in people in these positions looking for a justification for their good luck. Since they cannot accept random chance as the answer, they latch onto every passing fad that promises to justify their position with regards to the rest of us. Who they are is not us, which is proved by their enthusiasm for hatred of us.

This is the other thing that conservatives simply do not wish to believe, in spite of the fact that it is right in front of our noses and has been for all of my five decades of experience. Our enemies, and I use that word deliberately, have created their entire identity around hatred of normal, white people and their culture and their religion and their freedoms, etc. That's the main thing that defines them. They're not going to abandon it because you came up with a tricky logical argument about why their proposals don't work. Don't work for what? Their goals are completely alien and different than what you think that they are. They don't care.

This is why their reaction to one of their social experiments murdering children at a Christian school was so vulgar. That need to not be us required them to no share in the general horror of the event. It is why the NYTimes found the first opportunity they could to side with the killer. It is why they are now rallying around an imaginary narrative about a brewing backlash. Who they are is not us, so anything that amplifies that is embraced, which is why anti-whiteness is so popular with them.

This is why there is no reasoning with these people. You cannot bargain with them or appeal to their humanity. Who they are literally depends on them hating us. Like the people on the top floors of the office building, making fun of the rank and file, our ruler’s sense of identity is now tied to hating the people over whom they rule. For them, their life literally depends on hating normal white people. As we saw yesterday, for the rest of us, our lives now depend on hating them back.

And that's where the Z-man's lack of spirituality leads him, in literally the last sentence, to the wrong conclusion. We don't need to hate them. In fact, it's spiritually poisonous to do so. But we also need to properly recognize who and what they are and what they represent. The Nephites didn't hate the Lamanites, except when the Nephites were in the depths of apostasy themselves. But that didn't stop them from reluctantly killing thousands upon thousands of them when their own lives and freedoms depended on doing so. You can't make a good decision about things if you're in denial about reality. We were warned. Repeatedly. The Book of Mormon talks about it quite a bit. And this part was for everyone, from the New Testament:

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

That's not just some abstract warning about somebody else somewhere else. It applies to people you know. It applies to your government, who treats the American people with all the classic hallmarks of a dangerously abusive and manipulative spouse. It may even apply to your friends and family. It may even apply to you.

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