Borrowing from another post someone else made. In fact, mostly quoting him explicitly.
I wonder if they’ve ever considered how not behaving like horrifically unpleasant control freaks ready to take offense or administer a retarded lecture at the drop of a hat might make people more willing to spend time with them? Almost certainly not. They probably haven’t considered how actively uglifying themselves with ridiculous haircuts, piercings, and venomous hair colors makes them unattractive to others either.
It’s interesting to see how the conservative women are not only more soundly based, but more socially successful.
At the risk of sounding like a pedantic sperg, just a bit, I tend to find that conservative and liberal are not as meaningful as they used to be. But they still serve as a kind of self-sorting activity, if nothing else. Plenty of liberal women can be more or less pleasant, even if they believe stupid things, and plenty of conservative women aren't pleasant even if they more or less believe sensible things about political and social issues. Political and social issues are almost certainly correlated with personality issues, but it's not a 1x1 correlation, and I personally know plenty of exceptions. But Vox Day is also certainly correct; the problem with liberal women feeling lonely is a problem almost entirely of their own making. If they'd quit being so terrible to be around, they'd likely be much less lonely.
It's also gotta be the people that they hang around. The whole point of liberalism is that it attracts people who 1) are envious and resentful of people who are happier or more successful than they are, 2) hate normal behavior and social norms and nihilistically want to tear them down, 3) desperately want to feel morally superior to people around them, and 4) in general is attractive to people who are narcissistic, immature, and/or psychologically broken in some way. This doesn't help them feel less lonely; even if they are hanging out with other people, the other people tend to be narcissists and complainers; self-absorbed and completely lacking in empathy. It doesn't help your loneliness to hang around with people like that.
Again, it's not a complete 1x1 correlation; there are still some foolish nice people who think liberalism "sounds nice" so that's why they identify as liberals. But that's a vanishing breed, and most of those people don't call themselves liberals or self-identify by their politics anymore anyway. If they ever even did. Liberals, more and more, are shrill, unlikeable, dysfunctional people who surround themselves with other shrill, unlikeable, dysfunctional people.
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