
Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The military-industrial complex

If you are in a place that is not your home, there is but one way to "win" permanently: exterminate the native populace down to their goldfish swimming in the kids' bedroom. Eliminate their DNA from the human genome.  Given that this level of commitment is beyond what Americans will openly tolerate (notwithstanding a blind eye turned to when agents do it for "us," e.g., East Timor), it reveals that all foreign invasions are something other than what they're called.

The USA Empire is a first.

It is the first empire in history where the goal of foreign entanglements was not to seize wealth abroad and carry it home, the goal in each and every case was/is to create a rationalization for LOOTING THE US GENERAL PUBLIC in favor of politically-connected industries, whose managers then provide kickbacks in the form of cushy jobs, campaign donations and sometimes open bribery.
  • Save the planet.
  • Feed the starving Africans.
  • Make the world Safe for Democracy.
  • Eliminate WMD's.
Each. And. Every. Case. Peel it far enough and you'll discover it's US taxpayers paying owners of US corporations and the latter paying their bought-and-paid-for politicians.  That's because for the first time in human history, the "enemies" have nothing worth looting. So war becomes an excuse to loot home.

The military doesn't defend the USA. It exists exclusively as a vehicle to funnel money from the US Treasury to businesses that supply war materiel, or as a means of punishing any foreign nation that doesn't heed the approved US/multinational corporate market-access or negotiated-price demands.

Soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines. Nothing but pawns, treated as expendables.  One of the lies that has been hammered into our heads is that military service overseas is defense of the USA. It stings to realize that so many lives and so much money has been wasted on empire while the homeland is overrun. Invade the world. Invite the world. Foreign Aid to the world outside the border. Welfare to the world inside the border. 21+ trillion in debt and still the party goes on.

Given that the military only has one job: to defend the US against foreign invasion, and it not only fails to do so, but is complicit in the looting of the American taxpayer while allowing the worst invasion in the history of the human race to take place, it should be immediately defunded and disbanded, and defense of the border should be given to local volunteer militias.

As, somewhat ironically given how radical that will sound to the ignorant, the Founding Fathers intended.

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