
Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Some recent Facebook posts

Today's my birthday, so after I say thanks to everyone who says Happy Birthday to me, I'll probably go dark again and disappear.  Maybe even cancel my account for good.  In fact, I'll probably at least deactivate it now.

 But I've been going a little crazy commenting on current events, which are, of course, dominated by discussions on the Wall and immigration.  Here's a sampling of what I've said and some links I've posted.
See it here before Twitter takes it down, along with the rest of the media blackout. 
Don't worry, they're just white people. Coming soon to a "Western" nation near you, too.  Can you imagine if Trump had done this to BLM, or some La Raza protest? 
America is already over ONE THIRD Fake American, and NONE of those Fake Americans are assimilating into American values. America has a very hard future ahead of it. Civil War is almost certainly inevitable. Fracturing and dismemberment of the country is almost certainly inevitable. Race war and ethnic cleansing is almost certainly inevitable (to the extent that it isn't already happening. Read some Colin Flaherty sometime.) 
And what do Americans do? Mostly, they still virtue signal that the EXACT CAUSES of the upcoming inevitable misery are still good and need to be maintained. Diversity is still our strength, and if we build the wall, we need to make sure it has a big gate! (Actually, all it needs is a one-way chute). And they're putting Steve King in a dunce cap for saying things that are obviously true. And the Senate came within a hair of passing a bill that would have destroyed freedom of speech with regards to Israel. Republicans, who should be our champions against the hateful nihilism of the Left, still trip over their own feet virtue signaling about how they're the party of that corrupt imperialist Lincoln, and how they completely destroyed the First Amendment guaranteed right of association in the name of "Civil Rights"—never mind that that exact same precedent is being used now to destroy our First Amendment guaranteed right to free speech under the dishonest label of "hate speech" or our First Amendment guaranteed right of religious freedom under various diversity and civil rights laws. Exactly as Satan planned, and as Ezra Taft Benson warned. Civil rights was a ravenous wolf in sheep's clothing, and even now as we're seeing its disastrous consequences, most are unwilling to call it out for the fraud that it is. Nero fiddling while Rome burns isn't an adequate metaphor anymore. All of Rome had to first have literally started the fires, and then gathered with Nero in a gigantic string concerto while their homes, their families, their people and their very civilization turned to ashes before their eyes, because that's exactly what has happened to America during my lifetime. 
We are a twice-conquered people. First, the rapacious, dishonest, neurotic North conquered the South for economic Imperialism and came up with an after-the-fact just-so story about Emancipation to justify it to future generations. More recently, even the North has been conquered by a Hebro-phile, hostile and malicious aristocracy who have pillaged and raided our economic posterity and castigated and flagellated us for so long that most Americans think that it's actually a virtue to hate your own people, your own culture, and your own civilization. 
And it's not just in America. How much self-loathing have the Germans have heaped on them for three generations? How self-hating do you have to be to allow your country to become what Sweden has become? The UK and France are jokes of a nation, their elite classes hate the people that they nominally rule over with a vileness that even the worst stereotype of the slave-owners couldn't possibly have fathomed. 
Truly, Satan has been unleashed in the world, and most of us would rather keep our heads down and try not to get his attention rather than standing up to his monumental evil. Christendom is certainly under the Lord's rather obvious and blatant condemnation for our lack of fortitude, courage, and willingness to stand up and defy the Prince of Lies.
Crazy-Eyes Cortez wasn't elected because of her socialist ideas. She was elected because her district has ethnically cleansed anyone who would have voted for less punitive revenge policies against white men for simply existing and having created a prosperous society that her people could not. 
As usual, the media has completely missed the point. The point isn't the fall of the US into socialism, it's the fall of the US into alien hands. Who also happen to be socialist. Which should surprise nobody, because the places that they come from are almost universally socialist as well. 
The Media and the idiots of Conservative, Inc. are still trying to play ideology politics when the game has changed. The only politics left in America are identity politics. That's what happens when you tip over a certain threshold of diversity in your formerly homogeneous nation. 
Diversity + proximity = War. Every. Time. The path to peace is separate nations for separate peoples so they can practice the culture that they prefer and govern themselves according to that culture, in peace and without meddling from other peoples from without. This is why American politics is such a disaster. Too few Americans are actually involved in it, and those that are are typically rootless, soul-less cosmopolitans who hate their own people and disavow them and castigate them and flagellate them, all so that they can extract their wealth for their Cloud People cronies.
I'm pretty sure I've posted this before, but here's a quote about this particular Democortez electoral result: 
"This is the first national example of a political development I predicted back in 2010 and declared to have begun in 2016 when Somali immigrant and activist Ilhan Omar defeated southeast Minneapolis's longtime Jewish state representative, Phyllis Khan, in the DFL primary. Omar went on to easily win the general election, defeating Republican Abdimalik Askar with 80.6 percent of the vote, to become the first Somali legislator in the United States that November. 
"Joe Crowley is a poster boy for second- and third-wave immigration, being the son of an Irish-American father and an immigrant mother from Northern Ireland, and is one of the last remaining cogs of the once-formidable, now-fading Irish Catholic political machine. But the transformation of U.S. population dynamics that once worked in favor of the Jewish and Irish immigrants at the expense of American posterity is now working against them. Jewish and Irish politicians are now being unseated by their African, Hispanic, and Asian replacements, and this process is inevitable because the scale and sources of the latest immigration wave utterly dwarf those of its predecessors. 
"Even if every single Irishman and woman in Ireland and every Jewish Israeli moved to the USA tomorrow, it would not come close to balancing the demographic power that now favors the fourth-wave immigrants. And what is alarming the likes of Jordan Peterson and other members of the so-called Reasonable Left is that fourth-wave immigration politics are considerably to the ideological left of their predecessors, and unlike those predecessors, the fourth-wave immigrants see no point in even pretending to value American history and tradition while they set about further transforming the land that used to be America to their liking. 
"Note that the results were not even close. That was a near-landslide in favor of Ocasio-Cortez over one of the most powerful incumbent Democratic Congressmen, which suggests that this newly discovered electoral power possessed by the fourth-wave immigrants is already stronger than anyone previously suspected."
But go ahead; keep virtue-signaling about how that Wall that you now find yourself in favor of needs to have a big, beautiful gate. It's not about immigration, it's about the Rule of Law! I have no doubt that your prosperous posterity living in the somehow prosperous Diversitopia that once was America will thank you for giving away their inheritance for the pottage of being able to virtue-signal today. It built character! They wouldn't be the men and women that they are today without your sacrifice!
For the Left especially, immigration is a debate that has nothing whatsoever to do with facts, and that's exactly how they want it. The Left has become a weird spiritual cultic movement where hating white people and their civilization is just part of their identity and faith, so destroying it is as natural as breathing to them. Nothing will ever change that. Conservatives who patiently line up facts just to get absolutely nowhere need to wake up to that and quit wasting their time and coming up with another strategy before Western civilization has gone the way of Roman or Egyptian civilization. 
Of course, part of Western civilization has always been Christianity, which should be your big clue on who the cult of Leftism really worships, even if many Churchians on the Left are in denial of it. 
UPDATE: Isn't it curious exactly how equally cult-like Conservative Inc.'s response to the Left has been, though? I mean, really—it shouldn't be hard to simply dismiss the claim that it's racist and immoral to tell people to stay in their own homes and leave ours alone. It's so profoundly stupid, in fact, that it should be dismissed with scorn and contempt for it's unbelievable idiocy. And yet, what does the Right do? Accept's the framing of the issue by the Left and frantically tries to defend themselves and virtue-signal that they're not what the Left says that they are.
Notice the dishonesty in this article, suggesting that feedback was mixed between good and bad. In reality, the negative vs positive feedback is MORE than 10 to 1. 
I'm very glad that I've used Schick razors for many years now. Not that I suspect that Schick is any better, because the gynarcho-tyranny of hatred rules almost all of the government and corporate managerial caste entirely, and their one defining fanatical religious identity is their hatred of men. Especially white men. ESPECIALLY white, Southern, Christian men. 
Look, it's pretty simple. We buy razors to shave our beards. Not castrate ourselves.
It's galling to see how far we've fallen as we've allowed a toxic, dysfunctional caste to attempt to rule over us. Americans tend to be somewhat unruly and resent being ruled over (hence the strong animus to dilute or even completely replace us in our own homeland) but we've been sedated and complacent for a long time. It's hard to imagine getting back to America of the 1980s even, to say nothing of peak America 1.0 during the first half of the 1800s.

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