
Friday, January 18, 2019

Secret combinations

While this is true, it misses the point; there is a conspiracy to create the environment where that happened.  Just because most people involved in the secret combination don't actually know anything about it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.  There is a group of conscious sociopathic conspirators.  Or, at least, there was, and they do have their successors, whether witting or not.
The Deep State is often portrayed as a conspiracy. In fact, it is better thought of as a blind sociological event. There is no group of conscious conspirators, simply people being groomed to have the same opinions or at least saying they do. 
What has happened in the UK (and the rest for the West to varying degrees) is the success of the long march through the institutions. That is what ultimately has given the UK an elite (politicians, mediafolk, teachers etc) who are overwhelmingly Politically Correct internationalists. And it’s those people who are at the forefront of the attempts to sabotage Brexit. 
How did it come about? A German student leader of the 1960s Rudi Dutschke, echoing the Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci, put forward the idea whereby societies could be subverted from within by those of an internationalist bent who would patiently work to gain positions of power and influence. Eventually there would be enough of such people to change the policies of Western societies from national to internationalist ones. That point was reached in the UK at least 50 years ago and the Politically Correct stranglehold on our society is now complete. 
The capture of Western societies by internationalists has allowed them to permit and even overtly encourage mass immigration of people from different cultures, denigrate their own societies, traduce the West and its native populations generally and introduce gradually the pernicious Totalitarian creed of Cultural Marxism which has “anti-racism” (in reality anti-white racism) at its heart. The last brick in the Politically Correct building is the increasingly draconian treatment of anyone who refuses to toe the line—increasingly including the use of the criminal law and imprisonment. 
That is why Western politics until recently has been so ideologically monotone. Brexit was a revolt against that mentality.
Given that the result of this conspiracy has been the destruction of the freedom of nations that clawed their way out of tyranny over multiple generations, the decimation of the family, and concerted attacks on Christianity itself, one can use the Christian maxim of, "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them," from the Sermon on the Mount, and figure out pretty easily who the conspirator in chief is.  The Book of Mormon certainly warned us.

The challenge for righteous members of the Church, of course, is that one needs to be careful to figure out what is something that's nonsensical, untrue, and in fact idolatrous that we've been fed so often by society that we accept it.  Although this may sound boastful, I don't mean it to be.  I've taken two surrogate IQ tests in the past, and have come up with a score of 135 on one and 145 on the other.  I suspect that I'm closer to the bottom edge of that range, but still, both ranges are between +2 and +3 standard deviations over the American male mean (and American male mean is higher than most populations in the world; the global mean IQ is almost an entire standard deviation lower than that, and that lower portion is projected to grow, especially as the sub-Saharan African population balloons to become a much more sizable component of the population. (As an aside, I don't actually think that that's going to happen, because there are loads of signs that the current trend is about to change, but be that as it may; the current trend is still the current trend.)  In other words; I'm pretty smart, all things considered.  And yet, even I really struggled with figuring some of that out.  Sometimes, I accepted cognitive dissonance and just shelved those questions to the back of my mind where I saw inconsistencies between two ideas that obviously contradicted, or between what I was told reality was and what observed reality appeared to be.  But sometimes, I didn't even notice it at all until someone else pointed it out somewhere.

Most other people I talk to are behind the curve on this.  They aren't putting two and two together and figuring out that the answer we've been told is correct isn't actually correct.  And honestly, most of them aren't curious enough to even wonder about it either.

So the passive conspiracy to spread misinformation and lies and pass it off as received truth continues relatively unabated.  What will it take to make a change?  Well, Trump is a good start, because he's saying things on a routine basis that everyone knows are true down at some level in their psyche, but which they've repressed.  Getting it out in the open means that it can be openly discussed, and the framework of covering up the truth with lies gets observably weaker.

But most people won't accept reality until they run face-first into it at top speed.  Even then, as the bizarre case of the idolatrous, hateful Amanda Kijera shows, running face-first into the wall of reality isn't always enough to get you to drop toxic, hateful lies that they've built their identity around.

But the combination of 1) reality intruding on our delusions, and 2) mass zeitgeist turning away from the delusions, creating a social atmosphere in which the delusions are no longer the popular thing to parrot, will eventually restore some sanity.  Either that or our people will just disappear like the Imperial Romans, so our foolish ideas will be dead along with us.

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