
Thursday, November 10, 2016

Post election

I've seen a lot of post-election commentary. Here's mine, with apologies to the various guys here and there that I've paraphrased or even copied and pasted portions of this from:

Liberals (and foolish "conservatives") in Defeat: Healing, unity, give him a chance, open mind, blah blah blah.

Liberals in Victory: Put down that 32 oz. drink, get over here, abort my baby with your own hands and at your own expense, pay for my 400 gazillion foreign friends' lunches, bake a cake for my underage daughters' lesbian wedding and don't you dare complain about it, you racist homophobe, or we'll drag you through kangaroo courts until you're ruined! Complaining about having to support all of us from cradle to grave, and having to continually act against your conscience simply so we can display our narcissistic vindictiveness is a sign of white privilege! If it weren't for you, all the polyamorous Guatemalan trannies would have wonderful lives of happiness, health and fabulous financial success, so until you all die out, you will gibsmedat.

No. Liberals don't do magnanimous defeat. Crocodiles don't do respect. You can't train and domesticate cockroaches or tapeworms. There are no white flags in a snake pit. It is a miracle that we won this election. We should not gloat, for that is to pretend that the Lord has not given us a break, and spared us from the fate we deserve for our willful blindness and obtuseness thus far. He has shown us mercy and given us a chance to prove that we will finally do His will, and stand up for truth and justice, rather than continue to make pacts with evil, vesting the Liberal Satanic Freak Show with perpetual rights of free action against us. We must stop promising beforehand never to gain victory over the Satanic Tranny Pedos of Color death cult, by accepting the Liberal premise that a final victory against them would be a violation of their human rights. It's about time we faced up to the fact that pretending that error and tyranny has rights, is what has led to the societal environment where Satanic Tranny Pedos of Color Death Cults are no longer outlandish.

We will not get another chance to end this (more or less) peacefully. I am no longer interested in tolerating or being peaceful with these creatures. I do not hate them, but I oppose them and what they stand for.  I will happily forgive them if they repent, but I will harbor no delusions about them if they do not. They beg for tolerance when they are down; if they gain power again, they will finish us. There will be no healing, no unity, until the cancer is removed. We are still at a point of existential crisis. America is on the verge of an irreversible change that will cause it to cease to be America. We've been given one, final straw to grasp at to prevent that inevitability from happening. For decades, anti-American would-be tyrants have eroded the Constitution, attacked our values, our legal protections, the very essence of Americanism, and dishonestly told us that doing so was somehow American(!) and while they were at it, they quietly built up a budding super-majority of anti-American foreign voters who would give them ballot box invincibility.

But they played their hand just a little bit too soon. They didn't quite have the super-majority that they thought that they had yet, and America woke up and saw a hint of what they were up to, and gave them a so far very mild rebuke.

Now there's talk of pretending like, "Aw, shucks, you got me, now go back to sleep and pretend like nothing's wrong again," while they get back to work finishing the job that we caught them at red-handed. I thoroughly and completely reject that paradigm. Now is not the time to make peace again with the enemy, stick our heads back in the sand, go back to sleep, only to find out that our freedoms and our birthright will be stolen right out from under us when we wake up again. Now is the time to roll back the danger, excise the cancer, discredit and defeat the forces of anti-Americanism for good so that it will not haunt us again election after election until there's no way to peacefully turn it back ever again and our only recourse is violent, bloody civil war.

Ezra Taft Benson's words during the peak of the Cold War are even more true now then they were when he spoke them, for the enemy has become more subtle, taken on a fairer face, and has infiltrated the very elect of God. "Never before has the land of Zion appeared so vulnerable to so powerful an enemy as the Americas do at present. [...] So, I say with all the energy of my soul that unless we as citizens of this nation forsake our sins, political and otherwise, and return to the fundamental principles of Christianity and of constitutional government, we will lose our political liberties, our free institutions, and will stand in jeopardy before God.

No nation which has kept the commandments of God has ever perished, but I say to you that once freedom is lost, only blood—human blood—will win it back."

Washington delenda est. Deus vult.

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