
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

What next for Liberalism?

Quoted, with some slight edits, by me (originally by "Bixxy Noodles" and "Heartiste") for some added context, but mostly to make the language more polite so that the content can be of use with a different audience as well as for it's 'core' original audience. The tl;dr summary could almost be a quote from Ayn Rand, "We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.": "The Trumpslide and the dawn of collateral empowerment of Heritage America has supercharged three stereotypical neuroses of the Left, pushing them to the brink of mass psychosis and mental breaks with reality. These neuroses are cognitive dissonance, narcissistic rage, and psychological projection.

Cognitive dissonance is a major problem in our over-scaled society. The information control systems (education-media complex) used by our governing order to manage the people and keep them in line lead directly to the people adopting a lot of conflicting and wrong beliefs in order to adapt to the system and get by. The indoctrination of these conflicting beliefs happens mostly in education, while the purpose of the major media has been to reinforce them via The Narrative™ and provide a vehicle for the management of any cognitive dissonance which does arise.

This election has been a case study in this dynamic. The regnant orthodoxy demands that its partisans believe all sort of incompatible and false things: everyone is equal except white males, sodomy is normal and healthy while traditional marriage is rape, debt is money, and way too many other examples to list. Because of the constant, competing cognition these nonsensical and contradictory beliefs generate, the people who hold them are in a nearly constant state of emotional disequilibrium. They are temperamentally brittle, and easily perturbed into emotional outbursts as their cognitive dissonance essentially causes their brains to lock up and blue screen.

The old media narrative control system evolved specifically to mitigate this problem. By dramatically narrowing the Overton Window and ruthlessly deprecating everything outside of it, the amount of contradictory stimulus and information generating dissonance was reduced. They also provided mantras or catechisms as tools for people to use to insulate themselves from dissonance: extremist!, racist!, conspiracy theory!, dangerous!, insane!, etc.

The advent of the internet undermined and out-maneuvered this control and management system, to the point where now we've almost gotten to the point where the only people still using the old media are the ones who need it most to manage their dissonance problems.

When there is no direct threat or stimulus generating dissonance, their attitude is what I like to refer to as 'aggressive complacency' or 'belligerent apathy.' They are comfortable in their bubble and aggressively reject, ridicule, or ignore anything that might endanger it.

This was on display everywhere over the past eighteen months, on both the establishment left and establishment right, as well as the major media gas-lighting the whole nation right up to the end (and beyond at CNN).

When aggressive complacency fails to insulate and cognitive dissonance occurs when conflicting and false beliefs run smack into cold, hard realities, you get strong emotional reactions. Now, a psychologically-healthy person will generally respond to cognitive dissonance emotions by recognizing something is wrong and adjusting their beliefs and behavior to adapt. What we’re seeing with these meltdowns is a long way from psychologically healthy. Light years away.

What it does resemble, quite closely, is narcissistic rage.

Narcissistic rage occurs when the narcissist perceives he is being personally 'attacked' by someone else. Grandiose self-worth, vanity and entitlement are basic characteristics of this disorder; when these are challenged it often leads to narcissistic rage. Narcissistic rage is a reaction to 'narcissistic injury'—a perceived threat to their self-worth or self-esteem. Their rages can be of two types: explosive or passive-aggressive. The explosive rages are just as they sound—explosive, volatile outbursts which may be verbal, physical, or both. The passive-aggressive rages are exhibited as withdrawal into a sulky, silent treatment as the means to punish the offender.

Our prevailing culture has strongly encouraged leftist partisans to closely associate the beliefs with their personal identity and self-worth. e.g. 'I am a good person because I hate racism and vote for Hillary Clinton.' This naturally leads to the narcissist’s flip-side of the equation: 'Anybody who opposes these beliefs is an evil, bad person.'

The recent meltdowns we’re seeing are a perfect storm of these two dynamics. In the one hand, we have a belief system so contradictory and out of touch with reality, that a situation in which reality has contradicted it has generated mass cognitive dissonance. On the other hand, the people experiencing that dissonant emotion are treating it as an existential threat to their personal identity and self-worth, so they can’t respond in a healthy manner and are instead freaking out.

Reality has forced the equalitarian Marxoid bubble-dwellers to grapple with their amplified and aggravated cognitive dissonance. This unfamiliar threat to their cortical stability results in a narcissistic self-protection cascade; essentially, race and sex equalitarians feel like they are under physical attack (even when the attacks are only verbal expression of alternate opinions) and that their worth as human beings is questioned and found wanting.

The one liberal neurosis I would add is psychological projection, which is universally evident in liberal mental gymnastics, and never more so than now, when they are being undermined and subverted to a degree that they haven’t experienced in generations by an unleashed force of impertinent politically incorrect opinions that they can no longer hand-wave away. Psychological projection, like narcissistic rage, is the liberal’s emotional defense to cognitive dissonance. When the real world won’t align with one’s cultivated virtue-world, and one’s beliefs and actions are exposed as the menace to healthy society they are, then psychological projection becomes an ego emollient that spares the liberal any need for self-reflection, or even self-awareness. When one can readily project one’s personal malevolence (intended or coincidental) onto a perceived enemy, a release from guilt and shame is achieved.

Furthermore, psychological projection has the added benefit of opening a pathway for liberals to recommit to their virtue signaling and slandering of non-liberal realists. If you have tricked yourself into believing your foes are the scumbags that you really are, then you can return to the pleasure of feeling smugly moralistic.

So what does all this mean for the nascent rebellion against political correctness and its concurrent denial of observable reality? When cultural Marxists are experiencing acute cognitive dissonance and narcissistic rage, the correct response is to...

Increase the voltage!

'Conservatives' had it all wrong from the get-go, which is why they failed to conserve anything from our budget, our culture, or even the women's bathroom. You never give emotionally breaking enemies an inch. Feed a rabbit a blade of grass, and he’ll pop out ten more rabbits to devour your lawn. When the rabbit warren is on the edge of annihilation, you put foxes in holes and wipe out every last one of them. Metaphorically, of course, by completely frying their ability to bunker their egos behind a wall of narcissism and projection.

Eventually; the only solution is for them to abandon their anti-American beliefs, because you've walled out and blocked any escape hatch or bolt hole into which they could flee and keep their bizarre beliefs intact."

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